Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 16] (NSFW)

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The second Eddy forcefully slammed the front door shut, Brett took ahold of your jaw and had you pinned against the wall. Your hands immediately shot up to hold Brett's forearm in protest.

"Do you even know what you've done, kitten?" Brett spoke lowly, sending shivers through both your and Eddy's spine.

Neither of you had ever seen Brett like this. It ignited something in Eddy that he enjoyed way too much for his own good. He didn't even interfere because he enjoyed the sight so much.

You shook your head as good as you could manage to while Brett's strong hand restricted the movements with the grip he had of your jaw.

"Do you know how many people were in that club?"

Once again you shook your head.

"300 people. 300 people were watching you dance dressed like that." His grip shifted from jaw to throat. "I don't like that, y/n." He almost growled.

"Eddy... Help..." You whimpered.

Eddy scoffed, amused with the scene unfolding before him.

"Eddy won't help you love. We have... an agreement."

Of course the pleading for help was a part of the act, you were playing along in Brett's little game, eager to see what he had cooked up.

Brett traced your body with his free hand. He leaned into your ear and whispered:

"You're ours', y/n, don't forget that."

Eddy almost moaned at the sentence alone even though he stood a meter away, leaning against the other wall.

You, on the other hand, reacted by grabbing his hands and pulling them away from your body, an unwise choice since it only caused Brett to forcefully pin your hands against the wall, causing you to moan. He forcefully bit down on the skin on your throat and sucked it blue and purple, causing you to moan loudly.

Eddy had to place his hand over his mouth to prevent the moans and this point. He had no idea this side of Brett would have this effect on him, especially after yesterday's confessions in the bathtub.

Brett then shifted your arms from pinned to the wall to held behind your back as he pulled your body towards his, restricting your body against his own.

"I will let go now, and you will go to the bedroom and get yourself ready, am I clear?" He growled.

You nodded submissively and he let go. You stayed for a second, challenging his eyes, before walking off to the bedroom.

Once you were out of sight, Eddy spoke:

"You know, I'm this close to slamming you into the wall and having you right here, right now."

Brett chuckled at the comment and wrapped his arms around Eddy's neck.

"Who says I not the one having you?" Brett teased causing Eddy grin widely before kissing him.

"I'd gladly bottom you if you talked to me like that to be honest."

"Really?" Brett grinned.

Eddy grunted and playfully pushed Brett's face away, making his way to the bedroom. Brett chuckled at Eddy's response and followed suit.

Eddy opened the door to the bedroom but closed just as fast and looked at Brett.

"What?" Brett asked in confusion at Eddy's strange reaction. What could y/n possibly have prepared in there? To Brett, the definition of 'get ready' was basically just 'get into the bedroom', that was all you had to do to achieve the requirements.

Eddy simply stepped aside to let Brett see for himself. Brett slowly opened the door, and the sight made his jaw drop. Y/n sat on the king-sized bed with a robe on that you'd placed out in a circle over the bed.

Your hands were tied in front of you (you'd tie them behind your back if you could but needed your mouth to make the knot), you had a blindfold on and noise canceling headphones. You were basically deprived of every sense except touch.

Brett stood, mouth ajar at the sight before him. He looked back at Eddy, giving him the same look Eddy had given Brett just seconds before.

A wide grin grew on Eddy's lips as he observed the setup in the bedroom once more, his eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation. Brett could see it clear as day and didn't have the heart to deprive Eddy of this moment.

"Do you want to have the honor?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eddy's eyes shifted quickly from the composition in front of him to Brett.

"Actually?" He asked like a child who'd just been offered its favorite candy.

No matter how much he'd like to just accept the offer, it felt rude to Brett. He knew how excited Brett had been to get home after the club and he didn't want to steal that from him, least of all by taking y/n from him when Eddy knew he still had jealousy issues.

"Of course," Brett answered, and he actually felt like he meant it.

Sure, a part of him feared what it would lead to. What if he would accidentally ruin the mood with his uncontrollable jealousy?

But the other part of him was incredibly excited to see how this scene would play out, especially since it felt like he was still in charge and was generous enough to lend you to Eddy for a night.

Eddy took Brett's hands.

"Brett, I know you were really excited for this, and I really don't want to take that from you. Are you sure you're ok with it?"

Brett smiled and softly kissed Eddy's lips, something that none of them had gotten used to yet so it still caused immense amounts of butterflies in their stomachs.

"On one condition," Brett grinned as the idea formed in his mind. Eddy raised an eyebrow. "Y/n is free to do whatever they want but you must obey all my commands. Deal?" The grin on Brett's face was so wide at this point.

Eddy rolled his eyes but couldn't deny the fact that his heart did a whole fucking backflip as Brett finished his sentence.

"Addicted to power, are you?" Eddy teased, now sharing Brett's grin.

"Only when it comes to you and y/n," he replied cheekily.

You were still sitting patiently on the bed, unaware if Eddy and Brett had even entered and even less aware of the current conversation.

The complete inability to read your surroundings because of the sense deprivation caused you to react a thousand times harder when a tongue suddenly slid up your neck.

A moan escaped your restrained mouth while shivers were dancing down your spine all the way to your pelvis, igniting tingles.

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