Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 10]

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The police handed Eddy over once he'd agreed to follow you back home. Well back at the apartment, you immediately tapped up a bath for him. Brett got to the kitchen and started cooking. It was well past midnight, but it certainly didn't matter for you two.

Eddy never had the chance to decline any offers of care before they were made.

"Who are you cooking for?"

"You, of course," Brett had said plainly while handing Eddy the plate.

"Are you taking a bath this late?" He chuckled lowly, testing the waters in how much he could joke yet.

"Nope, you are," you said with the same tone Brett had used about the food.

A few minutes later, Eddy was in the bathtub with a plate of food and you behind him, cutting his hair. You had been cutting both of their hair since you moved in.

He didn't even finish the plate, at the end he was just poking around in it.

"Not hungry? You need to eat Eddy, you look thin..." Brett said worriedly.

He was sitting on the toilet lid, a bit further away to not make Eddy uncomfortable.

Late night baths with everyone in the same room as naked Eddy was not part of the usual procedure, and Brett certainly didn't want to push it right now.

"Sorry bro, it was super yummy, really, I just... don't have much of an appetite..." Eddy replied sheepishly, feeling guilty for not eating much when his friend had been so kind and cooked for him.

"Nono, Don't worry about it, I just want you healthy bro, I'll put it in the fridge, you can have it whenever you want," Brett said and took the plate.

He caught himself talking and moving differently. As if on ice.

Not that he was scared or anything, he was just really ashamed of his own behavior the last month and wanted to make up for it. Plus, loosing Eddy had really opened his eyes. He'd always taken Eddy for granted, assuming he'd be by Brett's side no matter what without actually earning it.

You finished the haircut and Eddy got himself washed up.

"Hey guys..." Eddy and Brett both gave you their attention.

"Yeah love?" Brett asked.

"I... I kinda have an idea..."


The three of you sat down by the kitchen table to talk. It felt more reserving than the sofa and you all probably needed some space right now.

"So... I'm just gonna dive right into the suggestion, but you'll have to be open minded just so you know..." you said, your heart beating like crazy.

The suggestion you were about to propose could either bring you together or really split you apart. It was quite a controversial topic. Then again, the alternative was a fate filled with pain for all three or you, so it was worth a try.

Eddy and Brett didn't respond, but you had their full attention.

"So... there this thing called polyamory." You ripped off the bandaid.

The reaction you were met by were confused looks.

"Polyamory?" Eddy copied.

"Yes, it's when more than two people engage in a relationship. It can be done in very different ways and doesn't have any rules except the ones we make ourselves. For example, everyone in the polyamorous relationship doesn't have to engage with each other. What I'm trying to suggest is that we could be a polyamorous couple but you two wouldn't have to date or anything."

As you spoke you realized how hard it was to explain and prayed that it would come through the right way.

"A polyamorous couple... like a... throuple?" Eddy half joked, still not quite sure if the situation was okay to joke in.

You gave off a smile and a small snicker.

"Yeah, you could say that," you replied.

"You know... I've never heard of it, and even less met a couple like that, but it actually doesn't sound too bad to me. Sharing is caring, right?" Eddy said, his tone quite light and encouraged.

You smiled fondly at him. Oh how you had missed having him in the house. Then you shifted back to a more serious mood.

"What do you think Brett?" Eddy asked seriously but still with empathy.

Brett looked up. He hadn't said a word yet. He looked at Eddy, then at you, then down.

"My honest thought is that I'm disgustingly selfish and protective, and I hate that I can't just be happy about this solution without being jealous..." Brett spoke truthfully. "But I'm willing to try this solution. I'm not ready to lose either of you without a fight."

He looked up at you and you responded with a small smile. Of course it was hard to just jump into such a suggestion if you've never even encountered anything like it before. You on the other hand had a polyamorous friend with a boyfriend and a girlfriend in separate relationships, hence why you knew about it.

You took Brett's hand to assure him he was being brave. Cause it was not an easy choice, polyamory isn't for everyone. You looked over to Eddy and reached out a hand for him too.

For the first time in weeks, Eddy smiled and took your hand.

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