Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 18] (NSFW)

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"Oh shit! Y/n!" Brett exclaimed once he'd come out of his lustful haze and realized they'd completely forgotten about you.

"Fuck!" Eddy agreed and the two boys started looking around in panic.

They didn't have to look far though because you were sitting in the big armchair just one meter away from the bed, no longer blindfolded but still dressed in nothing but a robe.

"Fuck, y/n, we're so sorry, we didn't mean to exclude you! We're so, so very sorry," Brett rambled untangling himself from Eddy who tried to do the same.

They didn't know whether to get closer or stay away since they were unsure of how mad you were and if you desired solitude or intimacy and cuddles to reassure you of their love.

They settled on staying in the bed but crawling to the edge of it, since they interpreted the fact that you had left the bed at some point as a sign to stay away. Eddy stayed pressed against the mattress since he still had an issue going on.

"Sorry? You're sorry?!" You exclaimed.

Brett's heart sank at the spot. Fuck, he'd really fucked up now, he thought. Tears threatened at the back of his eyes as he assumed this was the end of the beautiful relationship that the three of you had fought to build.

"You give me a five-star show that tops everything I have EVER seen, and you're sorry?!" You chuckled, amused by the look on Brett's face as you played his emotions a little.

Both Brett and Eddy were now completely speechless. This wasn't how they had planned on revealing their new relationship status, nor was this the reaction they had expected, but holy fuck were they happy to receive it. You laughed at their expressions and walked over to the bed again.

"Sorry I made you worry," you said to Brett, kissing him gently.
You walked over to give Eddy a kiss as well as Brett still struggled to form a coherent sentence and you were left with "Ugh... ehm... ehh..." until he finally managed to speak.

"You're not angry?" He asked.

"No of course not, I'm just happy you love each other," you couldn't help but to grin as you recalled the scene. "And based on what I saw, you seem to love each other quite a lot."

Brett and Eddy looked at each other, then blushed and looked away, causing you to laugh.

"No but it was actually beautiful... thank you for sharing it with me," you smiled and played with the boys' hair as you spoke, and they listened big-eyed, shocked by your reaction to their little scene.

Brett took the hand in his hair and pulled you in for a kiss by it.

"Thank you for... just being you. Being so perfect and open minded... We really couldn't have asked for a better partner," Brett said softly.

The moment you and Brett shared was interrupted by a soft mewl.

"I'm so sorry guys, but can we please take this in just a moment? I really need some help," it was Eddy who pleaded.

He had moved from lying on his stomach to lying on his back to release his heat from the tension of the mattress.

You looked back at him and felt your face heat up as you saw the big, throbbing glory of Eddy.

You licked your lips and looked at Brett, as if asking for permission. He gave you a slight nod while carrying a cheeky smirk.

You crawled over to Eddy who instantly welcomed you in an embrace.

"I'm sorry for disturbing the moment, for the record, I agree with everything Brett said, you're the bestest partner in the world, I don't think Brett and I even deserve you," Eddy said as he embraced you lovingly.

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