Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 2]

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As 1 pm crept closer and people started to leave.

"Bye Tiny! Behave!" You lovingly rolled your eyes at the nickname as Ray stepped out the door, being the last one to leave.

Brett and Eddy went through the regular script.

"Do you have a way to get home?" Eddy asked casually like he always does when you're leaving. "Need a ride?"

"Uhm... Actually..." You started, to embarrassed to continue, so you hid your face in Eddy's shirt, "I don't really wanna... sleep alone tonight after the movie..."

"Awwww," Eddy and Brett said in unison and Eddy started stroking the back of your head, causing you to turn red in embarrassment. "You wanna stay here?"

You peeked out of Eddy's shirt.

"If it's not too much of a hassle..."

"Of course not! You can take my bed, I'll just take the couch," Brett said and ruffled your hair before walking over to some cupboards to get some sheets and blankets. Eddy was about to offer the exact same thing, but Brett had been quicker.

"Nonono, I'll take the couch of course, you shouldn't have to suffer for my sake," you tried, but was shot down immediately.

"If you as much as sit down on that couch I will personally pick you up and throw you into my bed," Brett tried to act natural but even he had heard how wrong it had sounded coming out, and his ears turned red.

Both you and Eddy turned red to at the phrasing of Brett's sentence, and you couldn't contain your laughter. To challenge the statement, you ran over to sit down on the couch as Brett put a sheet over it, but Eddy was on it quickly and tackled you with a restricting back hug.

"Oh no, don't you try!" He exclaimed through laughter.

Brett turned around at the fuzz and smiled at the scene. He walked over to take your legs and together they carried you to Brett's bed and threw you on it with a swing.

You laughed like a child all the way and it made Brett and Eddy's faces beam with smiles. The second you landed on the bed, you got up and tried to run out to the living room again by dodging Brett and Eddy who stood like goalkeepers in the doorway. As soon as you came remotely close to the door, the picked you up and threw you back. They always tried to leave themselves to go out and fix the mess in the living room, but never came very far before you tried to bolt past.

After a few throws, you stayed on the bed. Brett and Eddy stayed in the doorway this time and looked at you in disbelief, smiles still plastered on their faces.

"Ok, we're gonna leave now, don't you dare try anything," Eddy said with a warning finger as they slowly backed out of the room.

You waited for a while. They peeked their heads into the doorframe from time to time to check if you were still there and wasn't up to something mischievous. Then your moment came. You scurried out of the bed and ran to the couch.

Brett and Eddy were washing dishes in the kitchen as they saw you. You managed to lie down on the now sheet clothed couch with a laugh. Brett and Eddy had thrown themselves to catch you but were too late. You thought the fight was over, that you had won, that they were now going to let you sleep on the couch. But oh. Were. You. Wrong.

"There's only one last thing we can do Brett," Eddy said, still panting from running.

"Oh no Eddy, you don't mean?" Brett replied, playing along in the act.

"Oh yes Brett, you know exactly what I mean," Eddy said with a growing grin.

"Oh on, nononono, have mercy, please," you tried as you realized what they were talking about.

You tried crawling away from them as they lifted their hands and shaped them into claws, but the couch had reached its end, you had nowhere else to go. That's when they attacked. Laughter soared though the room as Eddy and Brett started tickling you.

Eventually, they had found all your weak spots and most ticklish places, like your stomach and calves. You tried countering the attack by tickling them back, but Brett never even budged and Eddy recoiled quickly each time.

"It's two against one, that's unfair!" You said in between laughter.

"Do you surrender?" Eddy asked, smiling.


"Ok then," Eddy reached down for your calves which he had now found out to be the most ticklish part of your body.

Your mindset changed immediately.

"I give up! I surrender! I surrender," you exclaimed in panic, and the boys stopped.

The laugher was still hanging in the air and all three of you were breathing heavily in exhaustion after the intense battle.

"Good job bro," Eddy said and high fived Brett.

"Time to get to bed," Brett said to you, and it just then hit you how tired you were despite getting 2 hours of extra sleep.

You yawned and admitted defeat.

"Are you sure it's fine Brett? You're gonna have back pain tomorrow."

"Exactly, and I need my back way less than you do 'tiny dancer'," Brett replied and smiled as he quoted Ray's nickname.

"I can't win, can I?" You asked with a smile.

"Nope." Brett and Eddy said almost in unison.

Brett effortlessly threw you over his shoulder causing you to laugh as you fought to get down.

"Eddy heeelp, I'm getting abducted here!"

"Nah, you're on your own, y/n," Eddy chuckled and walked behind you to Brett's room.

Brett slam dunked you down in his bed.

"And stay there now unless you want another tickle attack," Eddy said teasingly with a warning finger as they made his way out of the room.

"And don't hesitate to wake us up if you need anything, y/n," Brett added, giving you a reassuring smile.

"Thank you," you replied, mirroring his smile. "And thank you for letting me stay here guys, I really appreciate it."

"No worries at all, y/n, it's our pleasure to help," Eddy said.

You all exchanged your 'goodnights' and it really didn't take long until you were out. The comforting smell of Brett and the faint sound of fumbling in the kitchen which confirmed Brett and Eddy's presence was an incredibly effective sleeping pill for you.

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