Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 3]

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You and Brett were sitting in the couch on a late Thursday evening. To wind down in their couch was more of a routine than a habit nowadays even though you didn't live there. Eddy was always the one to pick movie or series because he was the only one who actually watched.

You listened at least but your eyes were focused on the crochet project you had in your hands. Brett lost interest quickly in Eddy's choice of film, but never complained because he didn't have anything he'd prefer to watch, instead he spent the time on his phone, catching up on social media, writing emails or simply doom scrolling. It also wasn't unusual for you to fall asleep in the couch. Every time you did, you woke up the day after in one of the boys' beds.

You still tried to convince them to simply leave you on the couch. You were the only one to blame for falling asleep on it and they shouldn't have to be burdened with the chore of carrying you to bed each night to make you comfortable when you literally brought it upon yourself. But despite your many tries of convincing them, you always ended up being carried by either of them to one of the comfortable beds instead, leaving one of them to end up on the couch.

Tonight, Brett was your only lifeline if that happened though because Eddy had gone to bed early. He had an early appointment tomorrow and didn't want to risk oversleeping.

Brett was acting weird though. He had done so all day, ever since Eddy told the two of them about his appointment. Eddy too had recognized the behavior which had resulted in a few exchanges of looks between you and Eddy.

For example, Brett jumped almost three meters up in the air when you patten him on the shoulder earlier today to get his attention. Or that you and Eddy had to call his name 5 times during dinner before he came back to earth. Or, worst of all, that he forgot the stove was on and carelessly put his forearm there to lean on, resulting in a severe burn.

He tried brushing it off as mild and 'not even that painful' but you had had enough experiences with various injuries and luckily know a thing or two about treatment and care.

You ignored his arguing and quickly treated the burn in the way you've been taught. Thank god it was his forearm and not his hand, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to play for at least two weeks.

You peeked over at his now bandaged forearm as he sat on the other end of the couch. Both of you actually watching the TV for once. Since Eddy wasn't there, the two of you had settled with 'Interstellar'. Both of you had seen it before, but honestly, you found it kind of unsettling.

"It's quite scary to think about space and black holes and all since we know so little about it..." you said as you took a leap of faith and cuddled closer to Brett who flinched at the contact and seemed to have stopped breathing.

The response made you recoil as you head filled with doubt. You thought touch was very normal and casual for the two of you by now?? Like, you sat in his lap on the movie night with friends and basically pressed yourself up against him to find comfort in contrast to the awfully scary movie. He didn't react like this back then.

Ever since the horror night, the two of you had been touchy. It wasn't conscious, it was just the dynamic between you two. It was just by habit that you picked Brett's hand up to play with while waiting for something, or to cuddle up close to him while watching a movie, or to put up a leg on his if you're sitting next to each other.

But what if Brett didn't like that at all? He'd never consented to it, you had just assumed it was ok? Fucking hell, that must've been the reason behind his strange behavior! Was he uncomfortable because of you?

"Oh, sorry," you said quickly and scurried away, ashamed of the assumption you had so boldly had made during all this time.

"No, y/n, sorry, I didn't mean to-," Brett started hastily, but you cut him off to reassure him.

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