Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 13]

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The three of you were sitting on the couch one night. As usual, the TV was on with some sort of series, but Eddy was the only one looking. Brett sat in the middle of the couch tapping on his computer while you sat on his left-hand side, warming your feet underneath his thigh while crocheting a beanie. His left hand rested protectively over your ankle while the other one scrolled through the articles on the computer.

"Uhm... Me and Eddy thought of going on a date tomorrow... Dinner at that boat place by the river you know..." the fact that hearing about these information snippets was painful for Brett was evident, hence why you kept such a cautious tone.

You hated seeing the shift of mood in his eyes every time you told an update, but you also refused to exclude him and not let him know.

Eddy and you took turns telling, but it was often you since Eddy was scared Brett would get mad at him which you could understand. You could see Brett's cheek go in slightly as he started chewing it.

"Mhmm..." was the only response you got. The room fell silent as everyone turned back to their previous focus. Until a heartbreaking sniffle was heard. Both you and Eddy looked up immediately.

"Oh Baby, come here," you said soothingly while bringing him into a hug, putting one leg behind his back and the other over his lap as you scooted closer.

"I'm sorry," Brett cried, "I'm sorry but I just can't find it in me to be happy for you guys... It sounds horrible and I hate myself for it, but I simply can't... the jealousy is simply to great... I don't wanna lose you y/n, I love you... But I also see the love you share with Eddy, and that's beautiful, I don't want to take that away from you guys... You deserve each other... I'm sorry I'm making this so complicated, the two of you should get to be happy in peace."

Brett's heartbreaking cries coursed through the room as he spoke and the way his body was shivering made it hard for you to keep the tears back yourself. You were the start of this disaster after all, weren't you?

You opened your mouth and were just about to argue with Brett's words, but Eddy was faster. He put a hand on Brett's shoulder to pull him to face him.

"You sound exactly like me now Brett, those were my exact arguments after I had confessed my feelings about y/n to you. That the two of you deserve each other and that you're way better off without me, hence why I decided to leave, and was that a good decision? No! A horrible one actually! Because the truth is that I do deserve y/n. And so do you Brett! We are all equally valuable pieces in this three-piece-puzzle, we just have to figure out the correct way to connect our ends."

Both you and Brett were speechless. Never in Brett's whole life had he heard Eddy express himself in such a way. Eddy realized their shock and let go of Brett's shoulder.

"Sorry if that was a bit much... I just wanted to tell you what I learned from being at the place you're now," Eddy looked down before continuing, "also I wanted you to know I value you too in this relationship. You're my best friend for god's sake, and I don't want to feel like I'm stabbing you in the back every time I go out with y/n. I just want us all to be happy, you included."

The silence continued. Eddy was really getting scared he's said something wrong or super weird that will fuck up everything from now on.

But all that worry washed away as he was embraced. He sat still for a moment before wrapping his arm around the smaller body, answering the hug.

"Thank you, Eddy. That was beautifully said," Brett said through the hug.

"It's true. Every word," he replied.

Their hug was interrupted by another sniffle, this time coming from the left.

"Oh sorry, don't let me interrupt your moment," you half laughed while tears were running from your eyes. Eddy and Brett smiled at the joke.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Brett asked softly while scooping you up and pulling you into his and Eddy's lap. It felt great to have both of them there at the same time for once and you realized that was rare nowadays.

"It was just beautiful," once again you laughed as you spoke. The tears were really just the consequence of a 6,5-minute intense emotional roller coaster ride, but also because of the relief when Brett and Eddy hugged it out instead of wrestling each other down.

The two boys chuckled along with you, relieved to see you were actually ok, just emotional. Still, seeing you cry hurt, and Eddy was determined to change that.

"So what would you say if I did, this," he said before tickling you underneath your foot since your lower body was in his lap.

Of course, you started laughing and tried to pull back your leg.

"Nono, please," you pleaded through laughter.

Eddy did not have mercy though, but initiated another tickle attack, this time on your calves which was the most ticklish spot on your body, and they know it from experience.

He completely ignored your cries for mercy and instead moved so that he could hold your legs down with his own and tickle you with his hands. You tried fighting and pushing him off with your hands, but it's hard when you're 155 cm tall and held down by a 179 cm tall man.

"Brett take their arms!" Eddy ordered and Brett happily did, shifting his body so he could pin your arms down over your head.

Eddy had now moved up to your stomach, another very ticklish spot of yours.

"Do you surrender?" Eddy said with a grin.

"Yes, yes, I surrendered long ago! I'll do anything," you exclaimed between laughs.

"Ooo, anything you say," Eddy finally stopped, and you took a few deep breaths. "Then I order you... to go on a date with both me and Brett tomorrow night. My treat." Eddy's cheeky grin softened into a more sheepish smile as looked up at Brett who had now let go of your arms. "If you too want that of course"

A beautiful smile formed on Brett's lips. "Yeah, I'd love to."

Your heart fluttered as you looked up at them. This felt right. It finally felt right.

"Then it's settled! Date night tomorrow, 20:00, the dining boat by the shore!" You were so excited you could barely contain yourself! Finally you'd get to have both of them by your side during a nice dinner.

Brett smiled at your beaming positive energy and leaned over to kiss your cheek. You responded by pulling him in by his neck for a kiss. Eddy's lips broadened into a big smile at the sight, you know that big, beautiful smile he has. You broke the kiss with Brett and let gravity take you down backwards, landing with your head perfectly in Eddy's lap.

He was leaning his face on his hand against the couch's backboard as he looked down on you, still smiling. You stretched out your arms behind his neck and pulled him down. The kiss was soft, and he carefully caressed your cheek with the back of his right hand.

Brett really tried to look at them and cherish the moment, but it was still hard. It was just so hard to feel happy for them when the only thing he could think about was his desire to be in Eddy's place right now. But at least he didn't have that excruciating feeling of suffocation.

As usual, you had fallen half asleep in the couch again. Around 23:00 Brett and Eddy too found their eyelids heavy.

"You ready for bed?"

"Yuh," Brett detangled himself from you, scooted out of the couch and scooped you up.

"Is it your day or mine?" Brett asked since Brett and Eddy took turns in sleeping with y/n in their bed.

"Both..." was heard from the little bundle of blankets in Brett's arms. "I want to be with both of you..." You said sleepily.

Both Eddy and Brett smiled at the request and gave each other a look questioning for consent, followed by a nod each. Brett put you down in Eddy's bed, which was the biggest. You were slightly shaken to consciousness when the bed mattress caved in under the weight of two extra bodies.

"Nono, go back to sleep, nothing fun to see," Brett hushed as he and Eddy shuffled into the bed.

Soon you found yourself with your face buried in the bare chest of Eddy while Brett hugged you from behind. You let out a big breath and couldn't help but smile at how perfect the whole situation felt.

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