Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 8]

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*Flashback to what happened that night after the concert*

Brett rebooked the flight home to that night, not caring about the extra costs. Once home, you were all knocked out tired. Everyone except Brett. He made sure you were asleep before crawling out of the bed. Slowly, he swung the door to Eddy's room open.

"What're you doing here?" Eddy asked softly, not turning to look at Brett but knew it was him by the footsteps.

"Couldn't sleep," Brett responded. "Same with you I suppose? When was the last time you slept through a whole night?"

Eddy didn't answer. He laid still in the bed, bare back facing Eddy. Brett had put on a shirt before going into Eddy.

Brett couldn't help it. The visuals were so similar to that time. Eddy in the wheelchair, not finding fun in anything and spending most of his days in bed unless Brett was there to take him out or talk to. Brett silently let the tears fall. Small sniffles broke Brett's barrier and immediately made Eddy turn.

"Brett, what's wrong?" Eddy got out of bed and walked over to hug the smaller man.

Hugging was not a part of their usual repertoire, but neither was crying, plus, Brett had so kindly helped Eddy through his panic attack earlier so this was the least he could do.

"I can't not worry about you Eddy..." Brett said, voice weak. "All I see is you in that wheelchair again... It hurts so much to remember... And if you'd only let me in, maybe I could help this time!" Brett cried, clinging onto Eddy.

"Oh Brett, don't worry, I'm okay-"

"No you're not! It's obvious you're not and I really want to help you, but I can't unless you tell me how!"

Eddy took a long break. All that was heard were Brett's sniffles.

"But I can't... It'll break us, Brett... I'll destroy everything..." The fear in Eddy's voice shone through.

Brett pushed away from the hug by Eddy's arms and looked at him.

"Eddy, if anything is tearing us apart it's this. The lack of trust. Confide in us Eddy, trust us."

Another silence was followed. Brett could see the fear in Eddy's eyes, hear it in his shaky breaths as his mind argued back and forth whether to tell or not.

Finally, one side won.

"I'm in love with y/n too Brett."

No one moved. Eddy's eyes were filled with terror and his face pale. Brett's eyes were wide in shock. It couldn't be, he thought. Please. He'd do anything in this moment to change Eddy's answer. Heck he could even say he wanted to quit violin rather than this, because that wouldn't bring him to this absolutely despicable ultimatum. The point where he needs to choose. His lover or his best friend.

"Brett?" Eddy asked, the tears now threatening to fall. "Brett, please, say something"" The tears broke through. "I'm sorry, Brett, I'm so, so sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry."

Eddy said through the tears as he reached out his hand to Brett's wrist. As soon as their skin came in contact, Brett flinched away and looked at Eddy with tears in his unfocused eyes. His breathing had started again but was shallow, very shallow, and very fast.

"Please no... Please no, please, please, please, please..." He mumbled in between hyperventilating breaths as he fumbled around, looking like he's trying to escape his own skin. Eddy heart broke a little bit more every time Brett uttered the word 'Please', but he knew he had to set that aside right now for he's best friend needed him more than ever.

He took Brett's fumbling hands and brought them together before pulling the rest of his body into a hug. "Shhhh, Brett it's ok, it's ok, I'm here," he regretted the last reassuring words as he realized that exactly that is the problem. "It's ok Brett, it's ok..." he soothed the man in his arms while rocking slightly back and forth. He slowly walked over to sit down on the bed.

Brett's hands were tucked in between their chests where he could feel Eddy's breathing as well as his own. After a while he managed to match his own hyper breathing with Eddy's calmer one, and after a while he'd cried himself to sleep in exhaustion. Eddy's own tears came back at this point when Brett didn't need his calm and collected best friend anymore.

As Eddy observed the face of the sleeping man in his arms, he knew what he needed to do. This man deserved to wear that peaceful expression all the time, not only in the unknowing land of dreams. So it was Eddy's job as his best friend to extinguish the obstacle keeping Brett from eternal peace and happiness.

Eddy carefully laid Brett down in his bed and tucked him in, his mind at peace withthe thought that his best friends suffering soon would be over.

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