Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 9]

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For twelve days, Eddy was missing. You called the police on day one but no success there. You called them multiple times a day to check for an update, but they really had nothing, no clues no tracks, nothing.

Brett had put all work on pause and so had you. You spent the days looking for Eddy physically, calling him or talking with the police. Right now, you were cuddled up in the sofa, exhausted and deeply concerned. At least you were both in the same boat, so if the other randomly burst into tears or felt particularly sad, the other could comfort.

You laid in Brett's lap with a blanket when Brett's phone suddenly started ringing. Every time it did, both of your hearts skipped a beat, praying for the best but preparing for the worst.

Brett reached for it and accepted the call.


"Good evening, Mr. Yang, this is Singapore police department."

Ten minutes later, you were standing at the police stations reception. You could see Brett fiddling and fidgeting. Probably scared of Eddy's attitude towards him since they didn't have the best of goodbyes. You comfortingly took his hand and intwined your fingers. He looked at you with an anxious look and gave an attempt to a smile and a squeeze as 'thank you'.

You were led to an interrogation room. That's weird, why didn't they simply hand him over? Or why did they put him in an interrogation room in the first place?

"We think it's best if you talk with him since he was very... resistant. We just don't want any accidents if you take him home directly, if he needs to be taken in we can of course-"

"Taken in?! This is Eddy Chen we're talking about! Don't you dare t-" Brett snapped, but calmed down when you put a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry officer, thank you..." he apologized.

The officer had a quite sorrowful expression naturally, not at all a stern one like the police in movies. His eyes were empathetic.

He let you to the door behind which Eddy was supposed to be. Your heart was beating so fast you could hear it, and judging by the pulse in Brett's hand, he probably felt the same. Just as you reached for the door handle, Brett exclaimed:

"Wait, I don't think we should hold hands..." His heart churned at the suggestion that he would never proposed unless he hadn't had such a protective instinct towards Eddy's heart.

You looked at him in sheer confusion. Why did that even matter?

"You'll understand in time, I promise," Brett said.

You slowly let go of his hand and once again reached for the handle.

Inside sat Eddy, cuffed to a chair in front of a table. His hair was longer and his eyes were changed, dazed, like a predator. Hadn't this been such a serious situation, you would've described him as incredibly hot, but sadly, you could see that the look was intended as a shield to avail his true feelings.

"Eddy..." you said, fighting the tears already. Why did it have to come to this?

"Y/n." Eddy said before turning his face slightly to the left. "Brett."

Brett's heart fucking stopped. Or broke at least. The way his name was used pained him deeply. Oh what he would give to be forgiven. Hadn't social cues existed, he'd been on his knees already, begging for forgiveness.

You turned to the mirror to your left, the one you knew the panel hid behind.

"He's fucking handcuffed? Really? He's not a savage you know." You said to the man behind the mirror-window.

A button was pressed and the handcuffs were opened. Eddy's expression change as he gave you a thankful nod, before changing back to the stern look.

You and Brett went over to the tables and sat down. Thea air was tense, so tense you could cut it with a knife.

"Eddy how are you?" You used a voice way softer than the one used for the officer previously. "Where have you been? Are you o-"

"Tell y/n."

Everyone turned to Brett who was looking dead into Eddy's eyes. Eddy on the other hand looked unfazed, his stern look plastered on.

"Tell y/n what you told me."

Eddy let out a breath, his jaw visibly tensed. You sat there in silence, hoping Eddy would confide in you whatever it was about.

"Tell them!" Brett exclaimed louder.

"I won't!" Eddy shouted back. "I refuse to be the reason for your misery!"

"Are you blind Eddy?!" Brett stood up with teary eyes. "Why can't you see you're putting us through the worst misery right now?! We've been looking for days, weeks even!" The tears were streaming down Brett's cheeks as he spoke.

"I won't tell! I can't watch you fall apart because of me!"

"Because of what!?" You exclaimed, getting frustrated with this excluding behavior.

"Eddy is in love with you!"

You stood in shook at Brett's words. In love? With you? Eddy?

You stood for a moment and processed the words. The whole room was so deafeningly quiet. Then you turned to Eddy.

"Is that true?" Eddy's eyes watered but he didn't let it break his wall as he nodded slowly.

"Oh my god..." you sat crippled in the chair, your mind working at double speed to try and find a solution or an answer.

Everything suddenly made sense now. Why they couldn't tell. Why Brett was so distressed...

"I'm sorry Eddy..." Brett's voice turned into a whisper as he slumped down in his chair, taking off his glasses to wipe the tears. "We just... we can't just leave you/n in the dark about this. I know it wasn't my secret to tell, but I really don't think we can make process unless we all know."

Eddy's look was softening somewhat as he looked at Brett apologizing.

"And I'm so sorry for that night Eddy..." Brett said through shaky breaths. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did... I was just... so scared of loosing y/n... but I didn't realize in the moment I was losing you..."

Brett looked up to meet Eddy's sorrowful eyes. His facade was breaking with Brett's words. He broke eye contact with Brett as he looked up to hold the tears back. It didn't work. Soon the tears flowed silently.

Your mind went quiet at the sight. Finding solutions could wait, in this moment, Eddy needed you. He needed you both.

You walked over and hugged him. The action caused Eddy to sob with the tears, letting his walls break down completely. He clung to your arm. He needed you. He needed this.

Brett watched from his seat, trying to get used to the picture in his mind, but the gut-turning feeling just wouldn't go away. After a while, Eddy calmed down and sat with you quietly for a moment. He then looked over at Brett and reached his hand over.

Brett teared up and took the hand. They rarely made physical contact at all, so the action was very powerful. An act of forgiveness. Brett didn't think he deserved to be forgiven for all the horrible things he did to Eddy, but Eddy was Eddy. Always forgiving. Never long sighted. Pure.

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