Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 6]

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The following weeks, Eddy's health state went up and down like a roller coaster. You and Brett did your absolute best to help him, but nothing seemed to help. Brett continued to drag Eddy to the hospital, desperately looking for an answer to what was wrong. Eddy seemed more chill about it though, as if he had accepted his fate.

Brett and Eddy had a show in Singapore. To you, Eddy's mental state and declining health was incredibly visible. You wanted nothing more than to stop the performance and take him home, nurse him.

Then their final act came. A beautiful violin duet that they'd both practiced like crazy. All your worries were washed away, the music was like conditioner for your soul and cleansed your mind. The last note sounded through the hall, exchanged by applause.

Suddenly, Brett was slam dunked into a hug that almost caused him to drop the violin. You hugged him tightly. You only had a second to comprehend the face of Brett with tears in his eyes before he clashed your lips together.

The crowd went wild. Your mind went absolutely blank, you couldn't care less if this was the publication of your relationship, Brett needed you and you were determined to be there.

You parted and couldn't help but laugh together as all the adrenaline and nerves had vanished. You held a hand behind Brett's head, entangling it with his hair while he held you close, both of you smiling foolishly.

You then realized the roaring crowd and parted from each other slightly, your faces turning red. You smiled at Brett and urged him to take a bow.

That's when you realized. You looked to your right to welcome the other musician to the bow, but all you saw was the stage manager in the curtains.

You gave her a questioning look and she just shook her head and gesticulated a cut off head with her hand. You immediately saw all the worst scenarios play out in your mind and bolted out backstage. Brett followed you in confusion that cleared out immediately the second he came backstage.

For in the corner sat Eddy with about three workers around him. He was pale as a ghost and looked like he was struggling to breathe, his eyes flickering everywhere unable to focus. You and Brett were with him immediately.

"Eddy, Eddy, it's ok, it's ok, you can breathe, I promise, just follow me okay" Brett said as he took Eddy's hands and placed one on his own chest and the other on Eddy's chest. "You feel that? You feel my breathing? I want your chest to do the same, ok?" Eddy's eyes were so unfocused it was painful to look at.

It was as if he wasn't even there anymore. As if someone else took control of his thoughts and brain. His breathing was hyperventilated, and tears were flowing down his cheeks automatically. His hands were frantically clawing for something to hold, simultaneously cramping at the lack of air.

"In, and out" Brett said calmly as he did the same with his breathing, demonstrating to Eddy how he should do. Brett sounded so impressively calm and collected. What no one knew though was the incredible speed his heart was currently running at.

No one but Eddy who could probably feel it through his chest, but he was in no state to recognize such a thing. You sat beside Brett and held one hand on Eddy's knee and the other on his shoulder, eyes worriedly scanning Eddy's tear-stained features.

After a few minutes Eddy's breathing steadied and his eyes went back to soul-filled instead of soulless.

"Sir, what do you want us to do about the performance" a worker suddenly asked Brett. "We told the audience we have technical difficulties, but we need to give them a final call, will you do the post show Q and A?"

Brett's reply was quick, almost immediate.

"Cancel the Q and A, Eddy's in no state to continue and his health comes first."

"No, no I can continue" Eddy said between heartbreaking hiccups of breaths.

He tried to stand but you and Brett pushed him down immediately. You looked him in the eye with a worried gaze.

"Eddy, trust Brett's call and let us take care of you now, ok," you said, almost pleaded, with a hand on Eddy's chest.

Eddy finally nodded, the look in his eyes heartbreaking.

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