Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 5] (NSFW)

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After a few hours, the guests had left, having to leave remotely early because of upcoming travels to different families or parents tomorrow for the real Christmas eve. Luckily, you had started the gathering early since basically everyone was in the same boat.

You and Brett cleaned a little, checked up on Eddy who seemed to be asleep, and finished your night routines before cuddling up in Brett's bed where you spent your nights nowadays. He was embracing you with one arm, the other hand on the arm you had around him as you rested your head on his shoulder. His scent was like a sleeping pill for you, and you found yourself dosing off to the sound of his heartbeat.

"Hey y/n..." You opened your eyes and looked up at him. "I'm sorry for the lame present..."

Now you were wide awake, propping yourself up on your elbows in shock.

"The fuck? Lame? I loved it! You know how I always walk around with blankets, so a snug rug was the perfect present! How dare you be sorry!" You encouraged, not understanding at all where this sudden apology came from.

Brett chuckled softly.

"I just... I don't know... I feel like I should've thought of the same thing as Eddy, giving you his old violin... Cause you can happily use mine as well! I don't use it often and I would only be happy if-"

"Shhhhh," you cut him off. "Don't worry Brett, your present was awesome. Plus, not to depreciate Eddy's old violin, but it can't compare to the love you give me every day," you countered smoothly, causing a big smile to grow on Brett's face.

"You always know what to say don't you?" He said, pulling you down for a kiss.

You happily kissed back, taking the kiss as a victory for convincing Brett. The kiss deepened more and more as Brett searched his way into your mouth with his tongue, causing an involuntary moan to escape your lips. Brett swallowed it down with a victorious smile as your cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

He broke the kiss to roll you over so that you were lying on your back with him leaning on his elbow beside you. Slowly, he moved both of your hands over your head and pinned them there with the arm he was propping himself up on. With his free hand, he caressed your bare front torso, observing the your body's reactions as his calloused fingertips caused shivers and tingles.

"How 'bout an extra Christmas gift?" He asked in a more serious tone, meeting your gaze.

Your breathing turned shallow at the mere idea of it, and you couldn't do anything but nod.

"Yes, please," you breathed, causing Brett to grin before crashing down to catch your lips in a heated kiss.

Your arms were still pinned down by one of his, leaving you defenseless against his arousing touch. He broke the kiss to watch your expressions as his hand traveled further, and further down, all the way into your pants.

He roughly caressed your inner thighs before circling the rim of your entrance. He entered a finger all the way to the last knuckle, but it was still far too little filling for you, especially in comparison to how wet you were.

"More, Brett please, more, don't tease me like this," you pleaded, struggling to get out of Brett's grip.

"You want more? Like this?" Brett inserted another finger and curled both of them upwards.

You moaned and tilted your head back at the action. But you shook your head.

"No, more!"

Brett chuckled softly.

"Like this?" He inserted yet another finger and started thrusting them in and out while also curling them on the way out, playing you like a violin.

Your moans were now regularly echoing in the same rhythm as Brett's steady fingers, but you still managed to shake your head no.

"No, Brett, not enough," you said through shallow breaths.

Brett grinned and sped up the pace and leaned down.

"Tell me baby, what do you want?" His voice was not an octave lower as he whispered, his eyes taking in every part of your face in this state, highly enjoying the fact that he was the reason behind it.

"I want you Brett, give me you, please, I want to feel you," you said, meeting his gaze through half lidded eyes.

Brett breathed out in arousal at your words, pulling his three fingers out of you and pulling his own pants down to coat his member with your juices. In doing so, he let go of your hands which enabled you to also pull your pants down. Just as he was about to turn back to tower over you, you had been quicker and managed to push him back down onto the bed and pinning him down with a straddle.

Enough teasing, now you were going to take what you wanted. You sank down on his member all the way with ease, drawing moans out of both of you, causing Brett's hands to fall onto your thighs and dig his fingernails into the soft flesh. You bit your lip at the action, trying to prevent yourself from moaning at just that simple action. Brett noticed and smirked. This was the first time you had felt this part of Brett, and you were certainly not disappointed. He filled you up very well, reaching all the way back to your sweet spot which not many did. Just bottoming him out was pleasurable in itself without movement or friction.

You giggled softly at the tingles that shot through your body. Brett chuckled along and asked:


"Nothing I just love you," you replied with a smile.

Brett mirrored the smile and pulled you down for a kiss. While doing so, he also caused himself to slip out further, which enabled him to thrust back in, which he did. You moaned and lost contact with Brett's lips at the sudden pleasure. You buried yourself in his neck while moans spilled out of your mouth like running water at his repetitive thrusts.

He rolled you over to missionary and whispered softly:

"I love you too."

He's thrusts were even deeper and rougher in this position, amplifying your moans and causing you to claw at his back in pleasure. His pace sped up even more and your hands went from his back to fall above your head where you found the headboard which you could push against to meet his thrusts.

"Holy fuck, y/n, I'm gonna cum if you do that," Brett grunted, his grip on your hips steady.

The words made you smile victoriously and encouraged you to continue the action.

He limply fell into your arms afterwards and you embraced him happily, enjoying the feeling of still being connected. Both of you chuckled softly together as the adrenaline subsided. Brett looked up from the cavity of your neck too meet your eyes.

"Wow..." was all he managed to say, causing you to giggle. "Did you come by the way?" He then asked.

You appreciated the thoughtfulness but answered truthfully.

"I rarely do Brett, you don't have to feel bad at all, I enjoyed it very much in other ways," you reassured him with a smile.

It was very uncommon for you to finish during penetrative sex, but you didn't mind at all, helping Brett to the edge was enough to make you happy.

"Do you want me to do anything now to help? I can, I dunno, go down on you or something," Brett asked like the gentlemen he is.

You chuckled softly as his adorable kindness.

"Don't worry, really, for me the biggest pleasure is pleasuring you, finishing is not that big of deal for me anymore, making love to you is."

Brett smiled at your words and leaned down to kiss you softly, as if not to break you.

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