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Macau enjoyed spending time with his P'Pete. They had a great time at the aquarium, where they saw a variety of marine creatures, including Macau's favorite animals, sharks. As the young Alpha of The Minor Family, Macau was often expected to be aggressive and dangerous, but the reality was that he was not like that at all. He felt misunderstood, just like the sharks. People often assumed he was a bloodthirsty demon, like his Pa, but Macau just wanted to live a normal life.

Macau used to enjoy painting and drawing when he was younger, but his father disapproved of these activities and insulted him for "acting like a bitch Omega". Following this, Macau stopped painting altogether and found a new hobby that he kept secret from his father. For one of his birthdays, his Hia gifted him a disposable camera, and he fell in love with taking photos. Macau enjoyed visiting art galleries and museums, but only shared this with two people in his life who were supportive: his Hia and P'Pete. P'Pete took him to see the Retrospective works of Ansel Adams, and Macau fell in love with the black and white photos. He begged his brother for a better camera, which he received, and he would take countless photos during outings with his Hia and P'Pete. Macau developed his photos in secret and had many albums filled with his work and family photos. He tried to join the photography club at school but was deterred by the requirement for a parent's signature. Despite this, Macau continued with his hobby of building a portfolio because he enjoyed it. Although his father wanted him to study business, Macau dreamed of attending the Art Academy, and his Hia and P'Pete were supportive of this, encouraging him to keep his portfolio.

Macau had some freedom to explore his interests in art since his Pa was no longer his legal guardian at school. He secretly took a few art classes, including one that focused on contemporary mediums such as photography. Macau was thrilled to receive a new assignment that required him to photograph an unknown artist in the making and create an exhibition about them. However, he couldn't choose himself as the subject, and he struggled to find someone who fit the criteria. Initially, he thought of deceiving his teachers by taking pictures of his P'Pete, but this was not allowed since the teachers already knew who P'Pete was.

Two weeks after visiting the aquarium, Macau was wandering through the hallways of his school. He had an English class, which was easy for him, but now he had to attend his Chemistry class, which he hated. As a child, he had grown up hearing English often spoken in their house, especially from his Hia. Macau had a good grasp of languages and history, but science was his biggest challenge. Fortunately, his Hia was good with numbers, so he helped him whenever he could. His Mama also tried to help him whenever he needed it, but Macau knew it was sometimes hard for him. From what his P'Pete had told him, he never even graduated high school. Macau knew that his Mama was intelligent, but sometimes he didn't know the school program. P'Pete didn't talk about his childhood often, but Macau was certain that he was one of the people his Mama cherished the most, as the older Omega always reassured him. He smiled fondly, thinking of his P'Pete.

Two students who were running in the hallways almost knocked him down.

We will be late! One of them told the other.

I want to attend the music portion. The smaller of the two encouraged him on. Hurry!

As Macau hurried to the school's courtyard, he wasn't sure what was happening, but he could see that a lot of students had gathered there for some kind of assembly. As he got closer, he could hear someone singing on a makeshift stage, and the audience was singing along.

Suddenly, Macau caught a familiar scent of roses and lilies, which overwhelmed his senses. He turned towards the scent and saw the Omega from the garden standing next to one of the students, smiling at the stage. Macau wanted to approach him, say hi, and take him away from the crowd, but he knew he had to control his Alpha urges. He didn't know why, but his heart was racing at the sight of the Omega he couldn't get out of his head.

As the song ended, the announcer, probably a student himself, asked if the audience wanted to play a game to win prizes from the singer. It was then that Macau finally noticed who the singer was.

Kimhan. Kim. Wik.

His dreadful cousin.

Macau hated Kim the most. He was the reason the younger Alpha got scolded by everyone when they were younger. He was also the reason his father could never be satisfied with his own son. And now he was the reason that the beautiful Omega was smiling so brightly that Macau stopped noticing the world around him. When the Omega lifted his hand and answered the question the announcer asked about Kim, Macau could see his cousin watching him with a mysterious glee.

'Ah, there we go.' Macau thought to himself. It was a lost cause. He looked at the Omega one last time before he decided to leave. 'Maybe he was wrong?'

Upon witnessing Kim chatting away with the aforementioned Omega, flashing him a smile that Macau knew was insincere, the young Alpha realized that his attempts to win the Omega's heart were futile. Even if he approached the Omega the other day while he was singing in the garden, when Macau saw the love the Omega held for his cousin, he knew that his efforts would be in vain.

'How would he even compare when Omega had Kim's attention...' Macau thought sadly and went to his next class.


Since the school year started Porchay was left by both his brother and useless uncle. His brother Porsche was working on an island with no reception. If something big happened to Porchay he wouldn't be able to tell his brother anyway.

In the last few weeks, Porchay noticed a scent that enthralled him. It didn't come from his friends, they were all either Betas or Omegas. No. This was a distinct Alpha scent.

Porechay hasn't met many Alphas in his life but even he knew that there wasn't supposed to be sweetness in their scent. However, this Alpha scented as a fresh and breezy wind, almost like a pine but what distracted Porchay the most was a lingering scent of cinnamon.

He first caught a whiff of the scent while playing his guitar in the garden a few days ago.


That wasn't true.

Porchay first noticed the aroma in the hallways of his new school. He didn't see anyone there, but there was a persistent reminder of an Alpha.

The young Omega thought his mind imagined it.

During the school assembly, Porchay, who was one of Wik's biggest fans, suddenly detected a familiar scent in the air. However, he did not realize that the scent was not coming from Wik, his idol, but from a young Alpha who was staring at him with an unknown devotion, even though Porchay had never met him before.

If the younger wasn't so enamored with his idol he would've noticed the scent of a young Alpha souring with sadness and slowly distancing himself. 

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