Interlude (Chan-Big)

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Chan enjoyed his job as a bodyguard, which he took up after serving as a soldier. He even reached the rank of captain before being honorably discharged due to an injury, at least that's what his discharge papers stated. However, the truth was that he had a physical altercation with a sergeant who used to mistreat his subordinates. As he was deemed fit for the role of a bodyguard, Khun Korn personally recruited him, and in a drunken state, Chan agreed to work for The Main Family.

He never expected to be involved in shady mafia businesses, but he had served his country and gave his all for it, only to be let down by the same country. So at the age of twenty-seven, he joined the criminal empire. With the support of Khun Korn, he climbed a ladder fast. He was the youngest Head Bodyguard of The Main Family. At only twenty-nine he was leading recruits. All the bodyguards that came before him or at the same time either passed away or betrayed them for another family. Betrayals didn't happen often but when they did they were resolved quickly and quietly.

Chan's principle was the same for all his bodyguards. He treated all his subordinates equally. For him, the best way to train them was harshly but with respect. It was in order to prepare them for the reality of the mafia world. He never played favorites with any of them but he cared for them very much. Every time he lost one he would lose a part of himself. There was never an exception for the Alpha, well, until one cocky bastard decided to cause some trouble...


Born into a family of bums and alcoholics, Big didn't have a lot of choice of what to do in life. He started to act like a delinquent in middle school and would follow the same path even after barely graduating high school. He chased trouble and he always managed to avoid it. Big lived for fights. After all, he had something to prove to everyone. He was a poor Beta with no good options in life.

The only problem for him was the trouble finally decided to chase him back. While he was out with his crew of delinquents harassing some low gangsters, he managed to interrupt of of the biggest deals between Italians and the biggest mafia family in Thailand, Theerapanyakuns. In his defense, he was only a stupid kid.

He successfully avoided death when he saved the young heir to The Main Family, Khun Kinn. Not only did he not die, he even got a job. When he started the training to become a bodyguard he met the most arrogant Alpha. Even though he was a Beta, he always talked about himself as an Alpha. P'Chan was the brute that was in charge of them. He would train them extra hard and if someone said anything against it they would all do extra drills. Big wasn't his fan at all. He hated the man and didn't hide it at all.

Big soon got a nice reality check when he couldn't untie the ropes underwater fast enough. He was acting all cocky about how he could break the record instead he felt the air leave his lungs and water fill them. He was prepared to die there and then. As he was slowly losing consciousness and sinking to the bottom of the pool he felt two strong arms pull him out of the water.

P'Chan later told him he was legally dead for two minutes before they managed to bring him back. After he was severely scolded by both Khun Korn and P'Chan Big retreated to his room to sulk. He didn't have a roommate at that point because they had given up already.

How could I be so stupid? He asked himself through tears.

His self-wallowing was interrupted by the knock on his door. He opened them to see P'Chan standing there with a frown and two medicine boxes. The Alpha didn't wait for an invitation. Instead, he came into the room and sat on the couch.

Come here. He told the younger.

Big tried to look unaffected but almost broke down the moment he sat down.

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