Epilogue (Pete-Macau-Vegas)

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** A/N  I just wanted to express my gratitude to all of you for the support you have given me throughout the writing of this story. As I mentioned earlier, this was my first attempt at writing both in the fanfiction genre and Omegaverse. I hope I did a good job, and the comments and likes you guys leave seem to suggest that I did. There were many of you who left me so many comments on each chapter that always made me giddy. And for that, I thank you too! <3 <3

DISCLAIMER: And just to make sure it is clear-Kim and Macau are not together in the incestuous sense! The story is still MacauChay but also KimChay. The reason for that is called a V-Relationship where two people love a third in an intimate sense but not do not share the same bond with each other. In this story, they are like brothers who share a mate. I hope it's a bit clearer now. Sorry if that offended someone it was not my attempt. **


Today was such a nice day. The whole day sun shone so brightly Macau complained about how he couldn't take any pictures. You should see how much he has grown. And his exhibition has been such a hit they decided to prolong it till the end of the summer. Pete sighed before he continued.

Chay say hi, by the way. He and Kim went on a date the other day and Macau forgot about it. He was rushing so much that it was funny to watch. That kid would forget his head if the neck wasn't holding it. The Omega laughed at that while looking at the starry night. It is so funny to see how much they care for each other. Even though Macau and Kim pretend that they only care for Chay we can all see that they are just being stupid. It took them a while to understand their new relationship. While they both loved Chay as their Omega, the cousins weren't in an intimate relationship. That's how they explained it to us. I know, I cringed at the thought of two of them together too. Kim came like a nice substitute for a big brother to our Pup now.

When the young Omega first found out about their mother Porsche took him home, where they stayed for three days. After they came back, Porche explained that since Chay thought their mother was lost before he wasn't connected to her anyway and that it would always be his Hia who raised him.

Porsche, took it hard, though. How could someone even imagine the situation that happened to him? His mother, who was supposed to be dead, only to appear alive years later and be a murderous snake. Securing Chay with the rest of the family, Kinn and Porsche went to Korea for a month. They needed to be away from everything for a while. To recover.

Speaking of our Pup, he enrolled in the University of Fine and Applied Arts. Both he and Chay will start attending it in the fall. Pete was very proud of their Pup. Despite his brother not being there when he graduated Macau held his head high and worked hard on his projects to enroll at the same time with Chay.

The life seemed so easy now. Their house turned into a safe space for the Pup. The rows of bodyguards were cleared and only the loyal ones stayed. Nobody disrespected the new boss. Tankhun did the same at The Main Family mansion.

Kinn and Porsche will be returning tomorrow. I know they had a good time on their pre-honeymoon but can you imagine how many times they called home? And all the dirty details nobody needed to know. The Omega couldn't wait for his friend to come back.

After Pete found out he was pregnant Porsche had been godsent. Kinn helped too. He even moved Pete's things into The Minor Family house. Pete was a bit embarrassed when he had to take down the chains from Vegas' room but they needed space for the baby.

Day by day he and his friends were growing closer once again. Pete and Macau would spend their weekends at the mansion, now that it was free of the venom.

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