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At first, it was too easy. His disguise worked and Pete managed to access Khun Vegas' computer. All the information was directly sent to Arm. They could prevent every secret deal The Minor Family had. he did his job and he did it well. The Omega should've known that he was bound to get caught.

He just didn't expect the traitor to be one of his closest friends.


It was Ken.

Someone he treated as a brother. Someone he grew up with. He betrayed them. And not only that but he presented Pete on a silver platter for Khun Vegas.

Pete was always ready for death on this mission. What he wasn't ready for was the heartbreak that came with Ken's deception.

As he was strapped off his shirt and tied to a pillar Pete hoped that everyone managed to escape. He just hoped that Khun Kinn arrived there on time. He didn't regret his actions. He only regretted not talking to Macau first.

The Omega wanted to see his Pup one last time before he died. But he would rather die now than for Macau to see him tortured by his brother.

He heard footsteps coming closer and lifted up his gaze to see a certain Alpha.

My plan is ruined all because of you. Khun Vegas started to put on gloves. Once again. Pete, what will I do with you? Hmm? I'm beginning to think you love getting caught by me and tortured.

Pete smiled wickedly at the arrogant heir.

So, how do you think, that a guy like you, should be punished? He asked as he took a hatchet into his hands.

Of course, Pete was scared but he wouldn't show this to the Alpha. Not again. So he only laughed like a maniac. Maybe that would shake Khun Vegas up.

However, his laughter slowly died out when he saw Khun Vegas take jumper cables.

You're laughing? The Alpha approached him with a smirk making cables touch creating sparks. Pete glared at him as if daring him to get on with it.

His breathing quickened as his pants were pulled down. The Alpha was a breath away from him. If he moved a bit closer their lips would have been touching.

'Weird thoughts to have before dying.' Pete wanted to laugh at that. It was true. He only thought about how other's lips would feel against his skin now. And not the electricity that would soon be burning the said skin.

The moment he felt the cables on his body he let out loud groans. It hurt so much. The Omega thought he would faint but he didn't want to give The Minor Family heir that satisfaction. So, once again, he just smiled.

Oh, you're still smiling? Khun Vegas seemed to enjoy this interaction and he let the electricity go through Pete's body one more time. One more time?

It was never going to end. And the ending Pete knew will come will be his death.

I need to drop Chay off at the mansion. Kim said after a while. If you want to you can go with him. Or you can come with me to my apartment.

Macau wanted to make sure Chay was okay. He really did. And he appreciated the offer his cousin made. But Macau knew that he needed to talk to his Hia right away.

Can you drop me off here? Macau knew that they were nearing the street his house was on. He didn't want his Pa to see Kim and him together. Today wasn't the day for family visits.

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