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He wanted to shoot the bodyguard. It was all his fault anyway. He needed to shoot him. He was going to do it.

But when he went to, the Alpha couldn't. Vegas wanted for Pete to suffer more. To pay for all he had done. For the mess at the auction. For losing Porsche, not once but four times. For what the bodyguard did to Macau. For spying on him and sending Kinn to interfere with Vegas' latest plan. And for occupying his mind for months.

He needed to pay for blushing, being cute, and squirming under him. Vegas couldn't bear to get rid of the Beta before he had him to the fullest at least once. No matter if the other wanted it or not. There were no more negotiations with him. His chances were offered and the bodyguard blew them. It was time for Vegas to get what he desired.

Don't get overjoyed just yet. He could hear the other laughing. I'm not killing you now.

The Alpha could see the fallen face of the Beta before him.

Because being with you is so damn fun. Vegas smirked as he thought of his next move.

Finally, Vegas got up to take his phone.

When have you last been home? Hmm, Pete? The look of terror on the bodyguard's face made him only tease the other more. I guess it's been a long time. We should get some vacation days for you.

Vegas sent a few messages to Kinn saying that the matters were settled and that Pete would love to see his grandma because she had taken a fall. Hopefully, Kinn was too preoccupied with Porsche to care.

He just gave you permission. The Alpha smiled seeing the hurt in the bodyguard's eyes. Seems like he forgot about you. Again.

It was just so funny to him that Kinn always put the Beta for this kind of task and then forgot about him whenever he got some loving from Porsche. Which, based on their current situation, he certainly did.

Too bad you don't have your Pup's number on this phone. Imagine if they heard you like this. Vegas sighed. Well, another time, then.

I wonder how your Yaai is feeling. Vegas couldn't wipe the smugness of his face. Maybe we should give her a call, you know? To check on her.

The Beta started thrashing around still bound to the firm pillar. What are you doing?! Leave her alone!

What if she disappears? Do you think The Main Family would care? The masters you serve every day wouldn't even bat an eye if someone you loved had gone missing. They would think of it as a waste of time. The Alpha held Pete's jaw firmly as he antagonized him.

I give up, Vegas. He finally folded. Vegas was glad to see that. But he wanted more.

So he decided to call anyway.

The Beta was finally squirming and crying before him. And Vegas enjoyed every minute of it.

Hello, yes, Yaai! Vegas could be charming when he wanted to. That's how he managed to trick several people. Including Tawan.

I'm Pete's boyfriend. The Alpha saw the bodyguard's eyes widen. He was surprised with himself too. There was no need to say boyfriend when he could've said just friend. I would like to ask permission for Pete to go on a trip for a while. But if you could please keep it a secret from his bosses. We don't want them to know about the relationship just yet. I'll let you talk to him.

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