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Days passed since the diamond auction. Pete had no time to recover as he had thrown himself back at work. Khun Tanlhun was more exhausting and difficult than usual and Pete didn't know the reason as to why. He didn't even have time to contact his Pup except for a message to say he would be busy. The Omega hated it when things became like this. He has been separated from his Pup for almost two weeks now. Porsche was given a week off to reconsider his, well, life and to see his brother. Pete finally had a room for himself and he decided to train to let some of the steam out.

While he was lifting the dumbells Pete in front of the mirror Pete noticed that Khun Vegas' marks hadn't healed properly yet. They should've. Pete applied the medicine all the time and they were still visible. Before he could start the next round Pete felt a heat creep in his stomach. To be safe he stopped working out and went to take his suppressant injection. There was no way his heat was coming but he hadn't had one since he was fourteen so maybe he couldn't recognize the symptoms anymore.

Pete washed his face and dressed in a blue nightwear that his grandma gifted him. He was still feeling the heat pool in his stomach. For some reason, it didn't feel like his typical heat. He lay on the bed when it hit him. Pete was simply aroused. He was stressed these days and couldn't take care of himself in the shower like he normally did. Now that he thought about it, the last time he masturbated was before Porsche got the job.

Since he was alone and had free time Pete decided to take care of his urges. There was no one and he wasn't needed at the moment. Taking off his nightwear Pete got under the covers and closed his eyes. He started slow. Omega began touching his face in a gentle manner. As he did his fingers stopped at his lips. He put two of his fingers inside his mouth and started working his tongue around them. When they were wet enough Pete's hands reached his twitching hole. He didn't penetrate it right away. Omega started teasing his pink hole, circling his fingers around it. Pete imagined they were the hands of the stupid Alpha from Yok's bar. His hands were both gentle and fierce that night. At the thought of the other alone, he could feel himself getting hard. Finally, he put a finger inside and yelped. It was quite some time ago he did this. His other hand was circling his nipples. He pumped his finger inside his hole till he felt the spot. It made him moan loudly and curl his toes. He added another finger opening himself.

'For an Alpha.' His traitorous mind added.

Pete continued to ram his fingers in and out of his wet hole while simultaneously twisting his left nipple. He knew he wouldn't last long. As he was getting near to climax Omega imagined the certain Alpha licking his neck. Alpha from the bar used his tongue to scent him and it aroused Pete even more.

When he was close he heard a voice telling him to surrender and let go. Another push and Pete would be cumming.

Too bad you are not the Omega, whore. I would've loved to take you, make you full of my cum, and then never mark you. Pete's mind was filled with the hateful words of Khun Vegas but he couldn't stop. He sped up his fingers now imagining Khun Vegas bruising his body and nipping on his chest.

Without thinking more of it Pete was cumming.

Pete was drenched in sweat and misery. He was ashamed. 'Khun Vegas? Really?'

Even though he was exhausted from his session he got up and ran to the bathroom. Pete kneeled in front of the toilet seat and vomited his guts. When he sat on the cold bathroom floor Pete started crying. He hated the Alpha and what he had done to him. Some people would say that what Khun Vegas did was nothing, especially if they knew he was an Omega. Nobody would bat an eye at the incident.

Before he could stop self-hating it came at him full strength. Pete slapped himself in the face. How could he let that happen to him? And then get aroused thinking of the other...

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