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The visitors had a fun day with the family. Macau and Chay couldn't stop blushing and even his cousin smiled at them. Pete kept sending Vegas small smirks regarding the Pups. It was just so much fun to tease them and have the youngest Alpha act tough and like he didn't need his Mama's support when Vegas teased him.

Kim, tell them to stop with this already. Yelled their Pup when Vegas said how he looked like a tomato. His cousin only grinned and raised his hands in surrender.

I can't do anything, Cau. He said. I would help but what if I catch the same redface disease?

'The only thing you are going to catch will be these hands.' Vegas wanted to say.

There was a song interrupting their banter and Chay had a panicked look in his eyes.

It's Hia. The young Omega said and Pete looked at Vegas.

It's best that you answer it, Chay. Said Pete. He must be worried.

The youngest member at the table took a call and he put it on speaker. Vegas looked between the others sitting at the table when Porsche addressed Chay.

Are you done with music lessons, Chay? The older Omega asked. I can pick you up. Kinn wants to take us out to eat.

Shit. If Porsche wanted to pick his brother up, they would need to get going soon.

No, need, Hia. Chay said innocently. I am meeting my friends after. So I can just meet you at the restaurant.

Vegas sensed that Pete didn't like that Chay was lying to his Hia but it was needed so he just closed his mouth when he was about to speak.

Chay, I am worried about you. Said Porsche. Vegas is still out there and now that little shit of his brother is missing too, The Minor Family could be very dangerous.

The Alpha would've answered Porsche himself if a hand on his knee didn't stop him. His Omega shook his head and mouthed 'Leave it.'

I know, Hia. Chay looked between the two and smiled sadly. When Vegas nodded at him it meant he understood and wasn't mad. We can meet in front of the academy then. Around 8 PM?

Yeah! That sounds great, Chay! The older Omega sounded happy. And Chay, I don't have to tell you to be careful when we go to the funeral tomorrow.

Hia, whose funeral? Said Chay suddenly disoriented. Vegas assumed it was the fake funeral for his Uncle. Did Porsche know it was fake or did he actually believe that the man died of a heart attack?

What do you mean, who? I told you the other day that Vegas killed my friend Pete. As soon as he heard his name Pete looked at the people around the table. Vegas took hold of the Omega's hand and squeezed it giving reassurance. Tankhun is preparing a whole ritual because Pete is a Buddhist. Everyone is required to attend. P'Chan has been going crazy around the house at the mention of Pete's name. First, he lost P'Big, and now Pete. That man lost everything to The Minor Family.

Pete stood up abruptly. His hands were shaking as he listened to the end of the call.

Ah, I remember now, Hia. Sorry. Said Chay, who was now focused on the other Omega. I will be ready for you to pick me up.

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