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The men guarding the safe house tried to stop the young Alpha. But at the moment Macau was a force to reckon with. He didn't take a no for an answer. Macau had to see his brother.

When he entered the house a familiar scent hit him right away. Vegas had an Omega here. An Omega in Heat.

So that's why the guards didn't dare to enter the house at the moment. Macau wanted nothing more than to burst into his Hia's room and confront him but he didn't want to make an Omega uncomfortable.

His Mama told him a few times that the time of Heat is crucial for Omegas and that they need their peace. Especially, if they were with an Alpha. The appearance of another Alpha could cause more damage than good. Alphas were territorial and possessive and during the Heat they would hurt any threat even if the threat was their own brother.

Macau doubted that Vegas cared for whatever Omega was there with him but it was best to leave them to finish than interrupt.

He quickly went back to the docks to ask the guards when it all started. The time of Heat varied from four to seven days. Macau took his things to the staff house to wait it out.

How long have they been at it? Macau asked one of the burly guards in an orange shirt.

It has been almost five days now, Khun Macau. The guard responded.

Khun Vegas, kicked us out of the house and perimeter the moment he realized that the Omega was in Heat. Another added. It's best to wait it out, Khun Macau. Judging by the strength of their scents they should be done by tomorrow.

Okay... The young Alpha agreed with them. And he was also confused. How was their scent not bothering them? Or him? He was the Alpha. The Omega should've affected him. How is the scent not driving you guys crazy?

We injected suppressants the moment Khun Vegas ordered. That made sense. And you, Khun Macau? Do you need the injection too?

Without thinking Macau confessed that it didn't bother him.

Oh, that's weird. The guard in the orange said and Macau glared at him. What I mean, Khun Macau is that the only situation where that happens is if the Alpha is already mated or somehow connected to the Omega, like a parental scent that wouldn't arouse them.

It all clicked in his head. Macau had never felt a fear like this before. Or anger.

What did you just say?! Parental scent. There was only one Omega in his life, whom Macau considered his parent. And it wasn't his mother.

Macau was going to kill his brother!

As if sensing his action the bodyguards were fast to hold back the young man.

The young Alpha was growling and biting at their hands. He needed to save his P'Pete, from his brother.

The guards hoped that he would simply tire out and that was exactly what happened. With everything that happened to the young man in the last few days, he was exhausted from his brother kidnapping Chay to his Pa hitting him in front of everyone, and now to this.

After some time of fighting, he could feel his body tire and sag in the arms holding him.

I need to save him... He whined like a child.

Tomorrow, Khun Macau, tomorrow. One of the guards said.

And Macau couldn't fight anymore. His eyes were slowly closing as he felt someone pick him up and carry him to what seemed a spare bedroom.

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