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With the help of Big and Chan Pete managed to calm down. He spent hours in a bathtub while the two released their pheromones around him making him feel safe. As the tears slowly dried out Pete was more exhausted.

Khun Korn decided to call on Chan and have him meet him and Khun Kinn outside. It was an emergency about Porsche.

What does he mean by an emergency because of Porsche? Pete asked as the Beta was wrapping up his wounds.

He spent the night at the hotel with Khun Kinn... Big responded mindful of his tone.

It was obvious the older didn't like Porsche but there were several reasons for that. One of them would be seeing his Pup get hurt trying to protect him all the time. The fact that the younger Omega didn't respect the family or Khun Kinn was an added strike against him.

Why? What do you mean? Pete was bewildered. He only drank the spiked drink for Porsche to be okay.

Pup, listen... Big tried to soothe the younger. He was drugged after all. When you drank his water he must've gotten another one.

Big sighed before he continued. When you went to the toilet, Porsche suddenly disappeared. Khun Kinn made a whole scene at the venue. When we checked the security cameras we found out someone took him to one of the rooms and was probably gonna have their way with him.

Pete didn't know which emotion engulfed him first. Was it anger? Sadness?

No. It was pity. But for whom? He didn't know. Was he pitying the other Omega or himself?

Pup, calm down... Spoke Big when he heard Pete's breathing speed up. It wasn't your fault. Listen... You tried your best.

I GOT HURT FOR NOTHING! The sound that left Pete was almost guttural. He tried to save Porsche only for him to experience something awful. And Pete got hurt in the process.

Shh, Pup... He was pulled to Big's chest and coddled like he was a young Pup. Like he did with Macau.

'Oh my God. Macau. What am I going to tell him?' The Omega thought to himself. 'Nothing. I will tell the young Alpha nothing.'

Just say the word Pup and Dad and I will go and kill everyone responsible for what happened to you. The Omega knew that he could never tell who did this to him. Or even what transpired between them. He was sure that the older Beta had some suspicions about the events of last night but Pete didn't want to confirm or deny anything.

If Pete were to report Khun Vegas, it wouldn't be in his favor. Khun Vegas would likely create an intricate story that Khun Korn or Kinn might not believe, but they would be forced to. There were many unspoken rules to maintain peace in the family. If he reported Khun Vegas, he would become one of his mishaps, one of his conquests. Nobody in the family would respect him after that, and Khun Korn might even kill him for making such accusations towards his nephew.

Pete could feel his pulse quicken.

'What if they already know?' He thought about it. They probably had their suspicions but they couldn't have known. 'Could they?'

Pete tried to remember if he was carrying a certain Alpha's scent when he got back to the house. It was probably gone by now but that meant that Big and Chan would know.

Did I... Pete stuttered. Did I perhaps come home with another scent?

Big looked the other in the eyes and gave him a soft look before he sighed. No, Pup. You didn't.

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