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Be ready in ten. Waiting around the corner. 🍑

Pete didn't know what he did in his past life to be treated this way. He fully planned to just ignore this message but deep down he knew there was no way of ignoring it. Pete desired it too and couldn't figure out why.

It didn't help that Porsche and Khun Kinn started sleeping together or seeing each other, Pete didn't think they defined it yet, because Pete and Porsche's dorm room housed only Pete for a few weeks now.

It was very obvious to everyone but the couple. Pete understood the need for secrecy, maybe he understood it all too well, but it was getting annoying.

The couple had support from everyone. Well, except Big. But he was never the biggest Porsche supporter.

Pete missed the older Beta. Since he started working for Khun Kim he was rarely home. P'Chan was grumpier too. He would lash out at bodyguards all the time.

'They probably don't have enough time for sex.' Disgustingly Pete thought. It was his parents. Not really. But... Yes. It was his parents and Pete really didn't want to know about their sex life.

He already knew too much.

One time when he was around seventeen Omega was walking back from the cafeteria when he heard noises coming from the staff bathroom. Him being a bodyguard he thought it might be some kind of threat so he pulled out his gun and kicked down the door.

What he saw would scar him for life. P'Chan had Big pinned to a wall while the other wrapped one of his legs around the older man. They were naked from the waist down and panting. Big was the first to notice the scrambling and blushing Omega at the door and he tried to get him to stop, only for the Alpha to bite his neck and call him a minx. Pete quickly ran out of there but the damage was already done.

Later P'Chan and Big tried to find him and explain to him what had happened.

Listen, Pup. P'Chan cornered Pete in his room before the younger one could escape. What you saw today is completely normal.

Pete waited for the floor to rip open and for him to be swallowed by the earth. But it didn't happen. Instead, P'Chan continued.

If two people love each other... He started but Pete put his hands on his ears and started singing. 'Think of some happy thoughts.'

P'Chan, you are traumatizing the boy. Pete could hear Big say. Let me do this, you oaf.

No. Nobody needs to talk about this. Ever. Again.

Okay, Pup. So when two people have sex it means... Wait, do you need a sex talk? Maybe we should've started this differently... Before he could continue Pete was on his feet.

Stop, please. He must've looked very uncomfortable. I know about that already. We don't need to talk about any of this. Please, let's just forget it ever happened.

The couple looked stunned. What did they expect of him? To want to hear about his parents having sex. No, thank you.

Are you sure? P'Chan continued. Because sometimes you might think it's supposed to feel a certain way and it's not really enjoyable but you don't know any better and...

Please, no. Pete was ready to die.

P'Chan stop. The boy is clearly embarrassed. Big patted the Omega's hair. It's okay, Pup. We won't bother you. And you can always ask us anything. But if you are going to have sex just remember to use protection.

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