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Frances' screams for his brother were horrifyingly scary, I watched Frances grow exhausted, he swam back to the edge of the embankment. Where I watched as he just stayed there on his knees. I went to him, crouching down beside him. Frances was crying uncontrollably. I knew it was too late for Elias. He was dead. I felt useless. The only thing I could do was hold onto Frances. It was my turn to take care of him!

He had been there for me countless times, I kissed him on the forehead feeling his soft curls brush against my lips. I rose to my feet and walked towards the middle of the field. I could see the soldiers from both sides still immersed in active battle. All of this because the kingdom of Erix was greedy, and wanted Islaravens land...

It was our land to give as we deemed worthy not for it to be stolen in a massive genocide that was propelled by our governing nations. I felt this overwhelming energy, an uncontrollable surge racing through my veins. 

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