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This is the exact moment my whole entire freaking world flipped upside down, " I didn't lie.. I told the truth because I honestly didn't know what else to do. None of this was supposed to happen like this. You were not supposed to find the stones yet." Thoughts were spiraling through my head, she's messing with me.. " What are you talking about?" I say.

"There is no time to explain, just trust me," Sydney says. It was getting hard for me to trust Sydney because I wasn't getting any explanation at all. The men broke up their huddle and walked back towards us.. "Listen women, if I have any thought that you might not be who you say you are, we will kill you before sunrise.'

We both nodded our heads in agreement, the men directed us towards the building but rather than going inside we made our way around the back of the building. Four horses stood behind the building, one for each of the men that seemed to be coming with us to the castle, where we would meet the king or for the king to meet me. The daughter that was not actually his. 

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now