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By the time Mayra started her shift, she was like a bee flying from one table to another without having even a minute to rest as the restaurant was at its full capacity.

"Mayra, please serve table number two."

"Mayra, bring a latte to table number five."

"Mayra, the customer at table number ten has requested your assistance."

"Gosh!" Mayra cursed as she was running like crazy, and her legs were aching, and her nether regions were still hurting a little since the effects of her previous night still lingered in her body, making it extremely difficult for her.

Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore and went into the kitchen to take a short break, she was called over by her manager, making her frown, but she couldn't possibly go against her manager.

With a sigh, she bit her lips to suppress the pain in her muscles and walked out, only to see her manager was flattering a tall man from afar, but she couldn't see his face since his back was facing her.

Having no choice, she began going to her manager in slow steps since her legs were trembling a little, but as she neared them, she could smell a faint fragrance of citrus with a mix of woody and tobacco.

It's as if the realization was struck in her like a flash of lightning, she muttered under her breath in panic, "No, no! He couldn't possibly be Ishaan!"

"Come on, Mayra. He's not the only one in the world to use such cologne. It can be another man." Her inner voice retorted making her tense muscles relieve a little.

But with her every step, she could only see Ishaan as if she was possessed by him and her heart was beating crazily as if it would burst out any time soon.

"God! What was wrong with me?" She mumbled while shaking her head to not be foolish enough to reminisce about that heartless man and mess up her work!

When she was finally over Ishaan's thoughts and reorganized herself after a little pep talk, she neared the corner table where her manager was present, and her steps took a halt when she was a couple of steps away from them.

Still, she couldn't see the man's face, but the air around him was almost similar to Ishaan's aura, and she gulped, thinking something was wrong with her brain.

She licked her lips and called, "Sir, you have asked for my presence?"

Almost immediately, he clapped his hands in happiness when he eyed Mayra as if he had won a jackpot because of her. He mumbled while he tilted his head and faced her, "Mayra, this is our special VIP customer. Only you are allowed to serve him, and you must do the task well."

Mayra squinted her eyes and gave a stiff nod but didn't think much about it since it was her duty to serve VIP customers, "alright."

But when she tried to take a look at him, he strode away and climbed the steps into the VIP chamber, making her scowl in annoyance, but shrugged her shoulders as if it was none of her business.

Although she was trying to act nonchalant, she didn't want to serve any VIP customers after what had happened the previous night, but she couldn't voice it out and swallowed her words in a huff.

On the other hand, from the corner of his eyes, he peeped at his little kitten and a smirk was settled on his handsome face.

He was eager to see how she would react when she found out it was 'him' and just by thinking of it, excitement filled his insides, and amusement danced in his eyes.

"Oh my kitten, you provoked the wrong man," Ishaan muttered under his breath as he already set a trap for her to fall, and he would take his sweet time to play with the little girl until she was totally caged in his clutches with no escape.

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