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"Wow, Ishaan. This is so fucking delicious." Mayra moaned when he smirked and the crinkle in his eyes was obvious while the smug look danced on his face.

"One of best Spaghetti I have ever tasted." Mayra praised while she took another bite of the mouth watering dish and the corners of Ishaan's lips curled upwards, pleased with what she said and he mumbled, "Didn't I say so earlier?"

She hummed, "You did." With a pause, she eyed him provocatively, "I will give you a nine out of ten."

Ishaan raised his brows and asked while he had a melting meatball in his mouth, "Why so?"

"You should work hard to get a ten from me." Mayra winked when he shook his head, amused with her antics, and said softly, "By the way, you are really a good cook, Kitten."

"Not as good as you." Mayra retorted when he nodded, and she couldn't help but fume while her eyes widened, "you agreed to it?"

Ishaan stared at her as if she had grown two heads when she pouted, "I said that hoping you would say no and praise me."

Hearing her words, he couldn't stop the chuckle that threatened to escape from his mouth when she glared at him, but a soft smile crept up on her cheeks seeing him smile.

It was so contagious and one of the most beautiful smiles she had ever come across. His smile was surely a sight to behold.

"So my Kitten needed praise from me, huh?" He teased when a faint shade of blush settled on her cheeks and he asked, the domineering tone had a shiver down her spine, "Answer me, Kitten?"

"Yes." Mayra whispered when he growled, "Yes what?"

Mayra stared at him wide-eyed when a smirk danced on his handsome face and she gulped before mumbling, "Yes, Ishaan?"

He shook his head while he had a bite of garlic bread, and he must admit it melted in his mouth while the flavors were blended perfectly making him savor the delicious taste, "try again."

Mayra squirmed in her seat and said softly, while it came out more as a question rather than an answer, "Yes, Daddy?"

"There it is. So my little girl knew how to behave after all. Am I correct, Kitten?" Ishaan said while his jaw clenched as his throbbing shaft was twitching in his pants, making him uncomfortable.

 But he chose to endure it as much as he can because he didn't want her efforts ruined without being enjoyed properly, "if we were not eating, I may probably have my dick buried in your heated cunt, Kitten. You look so fucking delicious."

"You can do that even now, Daddy." She whispered while her face turned crimson and his eyes had a gleam in them as soon as he heard her.

"Is it, Kitten?" He asked wanting to hear her admit and Mayra nodded, "Yes, Daddy," a little embarrassed, she bent her head down when he praised, "You did so well, Kitten. I'm so proud of you."

As soon as the words escaped his mouth, she felt her heart thrumming so hard in her chest and she wondered if it would burst out any time soon if he acted this way.

Seeing the emotions he stirred in her so easily made the corners of his lips tug upwards and his eyes landed on the dessert sitting right in front of him.

Ishaan had his obsidian pools fluttered between Mayra and the dessert and a dirty thought cooked up in his head.

Without wasting another second, he ordered, "Come here, Kitten."

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