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Esha stated while she tugged Mayra's hand, "We aren't done talking yet, Mayra."

Seeing her audacity, Mayra raised her brows and glared at Esha, while her lips pressed into a thin line and she sniggered, "Is that so, Miss Rathore?" 

Her piercing eyes made Esha squirm when she continued, "But I clearly remember saying we don't have any unfinished business to talk about. So, why don't you do me a favor by leaving me the fuck alone?"

"I can't, Okay? I fucking can't!" Esha yelled, while a nurse stared at her as if she had gone crazy and said sternly, making her face turn red in embarrassment, "This is a hospital, Miss. You look like you're from a wealthy family. Didn't you even know how to behave in a hospital? Lower your volume, or else I will throw you out from here."

"You?" Esha was at a loss for words and gritted her teeth because when was she, the eldest Miss of the Rathore family humiliated like that?

The nurse scoffed and winked at Mayra while the corners of her lips curled upwards a little. Mayra almost had the urge to laugh seeing Esha's red face, but she controlled herself and put on a cold face.

Esha swallowed the words dancing on the tip of her tongue and said calmly, her eyes pleading with Mayra, "Let's go to a cafe nearby and sort things out. I know I messed up. Pretty bad if I may add. But give me a chance to explain, Mayra. I'm not your enemy. I never was, and I never will."

Mayra took a deep breath and shut her eyes for a second. Seeing her, Esha didn't understand what was going on in her head, but since she had no choice except to wait, she did it rather reluctantly.

In fact, never in her wildest dreams did Esha think that there would come such a day when she would go after Mayra. Instead of the other way around.

It seems karma is indeed a bitch.

"I'm here to look after Mihir. So, I'm sorry I should go." Mayra mumbled, showing her stance clearly as she was not a pushover they all saw her as, and hence she can't be treated like one.

"Mayra, you're overdoing it." Esha released a sigh while she rubbed her temples, as she was exasperated because coming to her and apologizing was a big task for her. Let alone pleading with her to have a small talk!

Peeping at the resilient Mayra, Esha said while she licked her lips, "I know I wronged you. In fact, I was feeling so much guilt that I couldn't eat and sleep. So, please spare a few minutes for me and come with me."

At last, Esha added, "Please."

Seeing that, Mayra smacked her lips but ended up nodding her head when Esha released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

As the cafe was just a few blocks away, they both walked in steady steps while silence danced between them and none of them were ready to break the ice yet as they didn't want to spoil the peace they had.

Mayra walked into the small cafe, and the smell of caffeine overwhelmed her. It was then she realized how badly she needed a warm latte to relax her head.

Esha followed her footsteps and ordered the same for herself while Mayra lifted her brows and stared at her with knitted brows.

Because she remembered Esha is mostly a Mocha person rather than just a latte. However, realizing that was none of her business, Mayra turned around swiftly and occupied a corner table where the warm rays of sun welcomed her.

Esha helplessly went after her and she almost felt pity for herself!

Mayra crossed her legs, placed her hands on the table, and eyed Esha, waiting for her to say whatever she wanted to and Esha almost had a heart attack seeing the changes in Mayra.

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