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Mayra leaned her head onto the car window and was playing with her fingers while she was lost in thoughts, while Ishaan was busy replying to his emails as he didn't work yesterday and he let her be as he was pretty much occupied. But her ringing mobile jolted her awake.

Without even checking the caller's information, she lifted the call and the familiar female voice from the other end of the phone made her lips curl upwards in happiness, "where are you, babes? I'm outside of your house, and it's locked?"

In the next second, Mayra squealed while her eyes gleamed, "Jaanvi! You are finally back? Where have you been all these days babe?"

Jaanvi flipped her hair and pouted her lips while she murmured, "It's a long story. Tell me where you are?"

Mayra narrowed her brows but didn't say anything else as she had a rough idea of what might have happened and mumbled calmly, "I'm going to the hospital, Jaanvi."

As soon as she said that, Jaanvi gasped, "Hospital? Babes what happened to you?"

Mayra shook her head and cooed, "It's not me. It's Mihir."

Hearing her words, Jaanvi pursed her lips and asked, "Spit it out already. What happened? Whom should I teach a lesson now?"

Mayra couldn't stop the chuckle that threatened to escape her lips, "Mihir was in an accident and had surgery."

"Holy fucking shit! How? I mean... Mihir? I know he's a super careful guy. Then how did he end up in a freaking accident and had surgery?" Jaanvi almost screamed in shock when Mayra sighed, "Long story, Babe. Why don't you come and see him?"

"I'd be right there. Tell me the address." Jaanvi said hastily and Mayra replied while the corners of her lips tugged upwards ever so slightly, "First People's Hospital."

"Be there in thirty minutes. Wait for me." Jaanvi stated as she hopped into her car.

Mayra hummed, pleased, and hung up while Ishaan threw sneaking glances at her, but he didn't ask anything as he always respected her privacy.

Eyeing him, she threw an angry glare as she didn't forget how he bullied her, making him amused. But he didn't disturb her as his mobile was literally swarming up with all the emails and his schedule was totally packed as he was supposed to catch up on all the pending things.

In no time, the car came to a screeching halt in front of the hospital, and before she opened the door, he grabbed her hand, yanked her to him, and placed her onto his lap abruptly, making a scream escape her lips.

He covered her mouth with his large palms while he cooed, "Sh, Kitten. Do you want to alert the whole hospital with that scream?"

Mayra gasped and eyed him with narrowed brows as she didn't understand what he was doing when he pinched her red cheeks and asked calmly, "Why so angry, Kitten?"

She humphed and turned her head aside when he forced her head to face him and enquired softly, "Were you that riled up with my teasing, Kitten?"

Mayra certainly didn't expect that question and glanced at him, dumbfounded, but mumbled a soft no, rather shyly and he traced her cheeks with rare tenderness in his eyes.

Mayra stared at him and noticed the frowns on his face and before she said anything, he dropped his head onto the crook of her neck while his beard tickled her sensitive spots and a shudder escaped her body. With quivering lips, she managed to ask, "Ishaan. What are you doing?"

"Sh, I'm not going to do anything. I just want to hug you." He said and the grip on her waist tightened. She wrapped her arms around his nape, and blurted, "Are you alright?"

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