CH | 24

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Mayra eyed Tanuj rather skeptically, but since she had already given her word, there was no turning back now! Can she?

Thinking about it, a faint sigh escaped her lips as she could only swallow the rest of the words in her throat and nodded calmly, trying to hide her emotions as she certainly didn't want to let the fact that she once had feelings for him to be clearly known to him.

In fact, she didn't know what she was feeling for him now, but she was happy to see him and be with him.

She pursed her lips and muttered, "Alright then." With a pause, she added, "I've just sent you my house address."

As soon as she said that, Tanuj's eyes gleamed, and he nodded eagerly, startling Mayra.

She couldn't understand why he was so enthusiastic about eating dinner. It's a simple dinner. Isn't it?

She couldn't help but ponder, but nothing came to her mind, while a frown danced on her face, and she quickly averted her gaze and walked forward after she sent him her home location.

Tanuj grinned, seeing her leaving silhouette, and muttered under his breath while he shook his head, "Silly girl!"

"I'm going to get you this time! You just wait and see!" He mumbled while his eyes turned gentle, and a genuine smile played on his lips.

With that, he quickly jumped into his car and took a U-turn, and honked beside walking Mayra.

Startled, she tilted his head, only to see Tanuj's car. She squinted her eyes, puzzled when Tanuj rolled his car window and uttered, "Hop in."

Her jaw dropped hearing his words, and a playful smirk danced on his handsome face, which he very well knew she couldn't reject!

She nodded and opened the door a little hesitantly but ended up getting settled into the passenger seat.

When he raised her eyes, Tanuj was already staring at her and the emotions swirling in his eyes made her panic.

Feeling hot all of a sudden as the temperature suddenly dropped with his heated glares directed towards her, she licked her dried lips casually.

That was when it hit her that she was going to a market instead of her house and she wanted to get out but the car had already started.

Seeing that, a pout settled on her cherry lips, and she exclaimed, "Drop me on the side."

Eyeing her from the corner of his eyes, he raised his brows while a frown settled on his face and queried, "Why? Isn't my car comfortable enough?"

She almost choked when she heard his words and shook her head while waving her hand, "I'm going to a market to get the ingredients."

"I'll take you there then." Tanuj said as if it was no big deal, and she didn't know what to say to him in return and mumbled, "But it will be way too crowded, which I knew wouldn't be to your liking."

He chuckled eyeing her, while his eyes fixed on her, and stated, "It's just a market, Mayra. What was the big deal in it?"

She bit her inner cheek and helplessly nodded.

Satisfied he began driving when she asked hesitantly as the silence was becoming rather uncomfortable, while his cologne filled the air, making her think of the things she wasn't supposed to, "Can you turn on the music?"

He replied softly, "Anything for you, Mayra," and twisted the knob.

As soon as his words sank in, she gasped, unsure whether her ears were playing tricks on her or did he really said that, she chose to keep her mouth shut instead, saving herself from the embarrassment.

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