CH | 47

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Ishaan pulled Mayra closer to his embrace and tucked her in his arms while he couldn't wipe off the smile that was plastered on his face.

His eyes roamed across her sleeping frame while his heart swelled in joy. Glancing at her pouty swollen pink lips, her heaving chest, and her messy hair made his eyes gleam as he couldn't help but tuck a few strands of her hair beside her ear ever so gently to see her face clearly.

He sneakily towered over her and gave a soft kiss on her lips as he couldn't control himself when he saw those inviting seductive lips. It didn't matter how many times he had already tasted her lips, he wanted more. Always.

Moreover, he quite liked the fact that he was enjoying kissing her. For a man who never gave a french kiss to any woman except her, he sure was addicted.

And his dick stood tall in the quilt when her thighs accidentally touched his groin making him clench his jaw, but he was certain he wasn't going to fuck her any soon as she needs time to recover her strength.

He couldn't help but curl his lips upwards when the memory of her calling him Daddy while he fucked her mercilessly struck his mind and there was no doubt he would never forget what happened yesterday.

Eyeing the bruises and marks he left on her neck and collarbone made his already hard cock twitch but he gritted his teeth and chose to ignore it.

He can anyhow take a cold shower or jerk himself off to cool himself down.

With that, he was about to slip away from the bed when she groaned and rubbed her eyes while she snuggled up to his warm body making it almost impossible for him to control himself.

Lazily, she opened her eyes, and when she realized he was awake, a soft smile appeared on her face, and she called him in her hoarse voice, "Ishaan."

He instantly gave up the idea of going to the washroom and held her closer as he hummed, "How are you feeling, Kitten?"

Mayra scrunched her nose up as she tried to move a little but failed miserably as her hands, legs, and every inch of her body felt as if they were in pain. She parted her mouth and mumbled, "I'm sore all over. But I can manage I guess." With a pause, she stared at him and stated, "An Advil will help."

"It's on the nightstand, Kitten," Ishaan said when she nodded, and when she moved her body forcefully, she felt pain in her nether regions, and she couldn't stop the scream that escaped her mouth.

Alarmed, Ishaan rested her on the pillow and turned to her swiftly, the concern in his voice was clearly felt by her, "What's wrong, Kitten? Are you hurting? Where is it?"

Mayra bit her lips and her eyes zeroed on his handsome face, and she wondered how he managed to look so sexy and hot even with sleepy hair?

"Kitten?" He called as she was lost in her thoughts and she blinked her eyes, "yes?"

"Are you in pain?" He queried with knitted brows and she gave a faint nod.

"Where are you hurting the most?" He asked when he grabbed the Advil and opened it. He placed it in her hands and passed her a glass of water, and she swallowed it obediently.

After she wiped the waterdrops on her lips with the back of her hands, she faced him and mumbled, "'s nothing."

As soon as she said that, he glared at her and growled, "It's not nothing, Kitten. Be honest with me."

With a sigh, she muttered, her voice was barely a whisper, but he heard her clearly, "My nether regions were paining."

Listening to her, he nodded in understanding, "With the way we had sex last night, I expected that."

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