CH | 21

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Mayra burped a little when she was done eating and Ishaan chuckled hearing that, while her face turned crimson in shame.

"Gosh! Why don't you just let me die now? This is so fucking embarrassing!" She cursed under her breath, not typical 'die' though.

However, Ishaan's mood was greatly improved eyeing her satisfied expression as her bright eyes and cheerful smile kept him hooked, melting his cold heart in no time without his permission!

His deep brown orbs fixated on her plump lips, although they were slightly busted, she still looked beautiful to his eyes.

Maybe beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder seemed perfectly apt to Ishaan!

Abruptly, he towered over her, and his thumb brushed the corners of her lips where a tiny green was left out, and her eyes widened in shock.

"What...what are you doing Ishaan?" Mayra stammered as she thought he was going to kiss her. But when her eyes took in the green thing in his hands, she had the urge to smack herself and bent her head down, ashamed with her foolish thoughts!

Ishaan grinned, understanding what she imagined, and cooed. His tone turned so magnetic that sent vibrations down to her core effortlessly, "aw, kitten. Do you think I'm kissing you?"

"Don't talk rubbish, Ishaan," Mayra grumbled when his knuckles stroked her cheeks gently and her breath hitched in anticipation.

She didn't know why she wasn't feeling averse when it came to Ishaan, as weirdly everything he does makes her insides flutter.

However, he was an asshole and she was well experienced with that side of him!

He held her chin and lifted her head, making her see him in the eye, and asked, "Now, tell me, Kitten. What happened to you?"

Hearing his question, Mayra didn't know how to answer him or what she was supposed to say to him and ended up blurting, "Nothing."

As soon as she said that, the temperature in the room drastically dropped and she felt the chills down her spine when his sharp eyes glared at her.

Immediately she gulped, afraid of facing him when he suddenly seemed to be back to his overbearing dominant side.

Ishaan stated sharply, "Mayra, remember one thing. I hate liars. As long as you're honest with me, I can help you with anything."

Hearing his words, her face paled and she clutched the bedsheet tightly and bit her lips, absentmindedly.

With a slight pause, he added, his tone firm, "I'm giving you one more chance, little girl. If you've got some brains, you would come straight to the answer."

He eyed her changing expression, and stressed, "And you better think twice before saying because once your chance is up, I wouldn't turn my head towards you even though you're in deep shit and came running to me later."

With that said, he leaned back while he crossed his legs and tapped on the bed lazily, while she opened her mouth, but no words came out of it and she was struggling, which wasn't unknown to him.

Yet he chose to pressure her because she should be well aware of his way of doing things. And he was indeed not the type to protect her if she still chose to lie to him.

As if understanding the situation, Mayra cleared her throat and muttered while she fiddled with her fingers, "It actually wasn't serious, Ishaan. You can call it maybe as my unlucky day."

He hummed, but stared at her while she questioned, "Why do you want to know?"

"Of course, I want to know because I should know what I'm dealing with." He replied with a wink, and she was dumbfounded.

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