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Mayra eyed the cashier in disbelief while she squinted her eyes, wondering whether she was hearing things in distress.

"Is it really paid in full? There is nothing left to be paid?" Mayra queried, unsure of what was going on. Although she was relieved that Mihir was going to be safe, she couldn't quite grasp who helped her.

"Yes, Miss. The bill was fully settled." With that said, he slipped the receipt into her hands and when she saw it, she believed while she trailed her trembling fingers on it, while tears swelled in her eyes. Happy tears though.

"You can quickly wrap up the formalities and he'd be pushed into the operation theatre." The man in the cashier department said calmly, and Mayra gave a faint nod.

Even though she didn't know how miraculously the amount was paid all of a sudden, she decided to not dwell on it much for the time being and pushed it away, and strode to the emergency ward.

As soon as her steps halted, the nurse quickly walked to her and handed her the file.

Mayra gulped hard and gripped the file with slightly shivering hands but finally signed the consent form. By the time it was done, she looked utterly pale and slumped onto the chair beside her weakly.

A few minutes later, she saw Mihir being taken into the Operation Theatre and she held his hand in a firm grip while she planted a soft kiss on his wounded forehead and cheeks and ruffled his messy hair.

"You must come back alive and strong, Mihir. For me and for us. I love you so much!!" Mayra whispered in his ear, and she felt him move a little while a lone tear fell off from the corner of his closed eyes and he squeezed her hand a little, making her smile despite her tears.

And her mood greatly improved as his small act gave her immense strength as she took it as it was Mihir's way of assuring her that he would be fine!

Mayra was constantly checking her watch and muttered under her breath while her eyes flickered in worry, "Why is it taking so much time? The doctor said it would be done in four hours." With a frown, she mumbled in panic, "But it's been more than four hours!"

Having no choice except to wait patiently was killing her as her head was clouded by unpleasant scenarios.

When she was lost in a daze, a tall man walked to her in steady steps and stood in front of her, grabbing her attention.

As the familiar woody scent wafted across her nostrils, she moved a little while her eyes involuntarily landed on his polished shoes and she knew who it was. A soft gasp escaped her lips, "Ishaan."

Instantly, she raised her head, and there he was in all his glory with his hands tucked in his pockets, and not a speck of hair was out of place.

"Ishaan?" She called while she gleamed a little and he gave a subtle nod. His large palms patted her hair and he queried, "How are you, Kitten?"

"I..." She trailed off as she wanted to say she was good and when it was at the tip of her tongue, she remembered how he warned her to never lie and decided to go with the truth, "I'm not feeling good."

"Come here," Ishaan said calmly and she hesitantly eyed him when he tugged her towards him swiftly and wrapped his arms across her waist, and tucked her in his chest

His warm embrace certainly calmed her demons and she greedily clenched his shirt in her tiny hands and sniffed his unique cologne while she rubbed her nose on his chest and hugged him tightly.

A few tear drops leaked from her eyes and she bit her lips to not make a sound while her body shuddered.

Ishaan didn't say anything and held her silently while he rubbed her back to soothe her worried heart.

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