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"My Kitten was taken away by police?" Ishaan muttered under his breath. Disbelief was written across his face, but that didn't hide the anger exuding from him.

His aura had suddenly taken a drastic turn from calm to malicious. The burning rage that was threatening to escape from his veins was obvious.

"How dare they?" He scoffed, a wicked grin flickering over his face, "It seems I'm too lenient these days that they are unable to distinguish between who they should and shouldn't touch."

Almost instantly, he stood up and walked ahead while Arnav followed Ishaan like the 'good assistant' he is, despite the fact that he was scared of this Ishaan!

As it was rare to see Ishaan lose his cool. Yes, he was demanding, controlling, and overbearing, but he would handle all of them with an aloof look on his face, yet there was no doubt he could portray the exact emotion he wanted to.

However, eyeing the maddening flames of fury on Ishaan's face made Arnav mentally take a note to never ever offend 'Miss Kashyap'.

Or else, he wasn't sure how badly he'd end up in his boss's hands!

"What exactly happened?" Ishaan asked, his voice sharp yet controlled.

Arnav gulped a little and passed the Tablet in his hands to Ishaan, while the sweat on his forehead dripped down, his voice quivered a little, but it came out as calm, "Apparently, Miss Kashyap was accused as a thief, Mr. Malhotra."

As soon as Arnav said that, Ishaan squinted his eyes in astonishment. In the next second, he shook his head immediately while a sneer escaped his lips, "impossible!"

With that, Ishaan hopped into his car and ordered, his tone giving no way out, "Make the necessary arrangements for her bail. I want her released." With a pause, he glanced at his wristwatch and pondered with knitted brows, he muttered, "It would take me almost an hour to reach there." and added firmly, "in an hour."

"I will be on it, Mr. Malhotra," Arnav said while he adjusted his seat belt in the front seat.

His driver, Kumar gave Ishaan a short glance from the mirror but instantly averted his eyes when he saw how Ishaan was almost boiling in rage.

By the time Ishaan watched the video, he understood what happened, and his face turned livid. He comprehended that certainly, something was up with this incident, and he was sure Mayra didn't do it.

He can say that much about Mayra because if he wasn't aware of her character, he wouldn't be after the little girl.

When he saw how miserable Mayra looked when she was pushed into the police car with cuffs on, it took everything in him to get a grip on himself and not do something stupid.

With his hands clenched into tight fists, his breathing was rugged as he was trying to suppress the anger building up in his insides. yet the scary part is, that he still maintained to pull the aloof look.

Probably it was only possible for him!

But well, he would definitely get back at the ones responsible for it. There was no way he was letting it go when his kitten suffered unfairly.

However, in the next second, it hit him that he was taking it too much on a personal level, and that thought didn't actually settle well with him. But he chose to push all of those annoying thoughts to the side because his first priority was to make sure his little girl was safe.

After giving it a second thought, he opened his mobile and dialed a number, his lips pursed together in a flat line, and his obsidian brown eyes were so dark as if they would suck everything that came in his way.

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