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It was cloudy Saturday night and I had just finished my tiring long shift as a waitress at a restaurant downtown. I was walking my usual shortcut to the bus stop, behind some buildings through a dark alley. Not very smart for a young woman to be walking late at night, but a shortcut was a shortcut. I had walked for a few minutes, humming along to a song that I had heard on the radio when I suddenly noticed a black SUV stopped on the sidewalk. A suspicion started to question, but I quickly shook it off and continued walking. Raising my head, I walked with confidence, trying to show that this wasn't bothering me as much as it was. I heard a couple of guys jump out of the car. Their voices told me that they were right behind me.

"Lydia Carter?" A deep male voice said, echoing through the dark alley.

My body froze in shock. How did he know my name? Before I got to turn around and face him, I felt a pair of strong hands was around my neck, almost choking me. My first instinct was to scream or cry, maybe both. I tried to wiggle myself away from his grip, but then I remembered something I had learnt from my self defense class that I took ages ago. I forced all my strength together and elbowed the guy as hard as I could in his stomach. He let go of his grip and winched down in pain. Turning around, I put my hands on his shoulder for support, gathered strength and kneed the man in his genitals. With a scream, his whole body fell to the ground, shrinking down into a fetus position.

"Fuck," he shouted in pain. "Guys, get the fucking girl!"

Before I could react, I ran as fast as I could. The shoes I was wearing was making it hard for me to run fast. At the restaurant, where I worked I was forced to wear some ugly black heavy shoes that wasn't slippery on the tile floor. The adrenaline was rushing through my body as I felt sweat droplets form on top of my forehead. I tried as hard as I could to run fast, fighting with every once in my body. Feeling the weight on my feet, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I was scared. What had I done to get these men after me? I could hear the guys catching up with me. My heart rate was beating unbelievable fast and I could feel my legs turning into jelly any moment. I was terrified for what was going to happen if they caught me.

Suddenly, one of the guys hardly grasped my arms as I ran. A shooting pain came from my upper arms as he held me in a firm tight grip.

"Let go of me, you fucking bastard," I yelled, trying to unleash myself from him. I was so out of breath and my head was spinning due to the lack of oxygen in my brain from the run, I thought I was going to faint any minute.

He was too strong for me. He grabbed my other hand behind my back and I felt a heavy piece of cold metals around my wrists. Hand cuffs.

I screamed as loud as I could, hoping somebody could hear me in this dark alley. "Shut up," the third guy mumbled and taped up my mouth with duct tape.

My mind felt numb as thousands of different thoughts were running through my mind. Is this it? Am I going to die now? What had I done to get these men after men? I was just an average young woman who tried to pay my bills in time and sometimes played my music a little to loud. I was in too much shock to even show some emotions.

The black SUV stopped in front of us and the two guys dragged me into the backseat in between them. The guy I had earlier knocked out was sitting in the passenger seat and a young man in his early 20s was driving the car. His dark hair was perfectly swept to the side, matching his brown captivating eyes, with some killer cheekbones, stubbles and a sharp jawline to frame his face. Holy shit.

"I gotta say that you are a feisty one," the driver smirked, turning around so our eyes met.

As scared as I was, I tried to lick the duct tape off my mouth so I could ask him one of my thousands questions that I had. I wanted to scream, even though we were inside of a car. I wanted to scream so loud till my voice broke, just so somebody could hear me. The possibility of getting away was lingering in the back of my mind and my mind was not thinking optimistic thoughts. Tears were staring to form on the rims of my eyes. I hated that I was so clueless about the whole situation, I was probably going to die and no one would know.

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