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It was Monday morning and the clock on my phone told me that it was a little past 9 AM. After our visit at the fair on Saturday, Harry and I spent the day at home on Sunday, lazing around and had a marathon of Modern Family as I cooked us some food. The past few days alone with Harry had gone surprisingly well.

As usual, Harry was sleeping next to me like a peaceful angel. My stomach made some weird noises, signalizing for me for eat some breakfast. I went out of bed slipped on a pair of shorts and a morning robe before tiptoeing quietly out of the room. As I shut the door, I heard a loud snoring noise coming from Harry and Niall's room. I guessed that they had come back from Las Vegas.

I walked down to the kitchen, expecting to find either Louis or Liam there. To my surprise, there was a girl there cooking food. She was wearing only a plaid shirt that was a few sizes to big for her. She had long brown hair, green eyes, plump lips and was quite slim and petite like myself.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I asked, immediately regretting it after I noticed how rude my tone sounded.

Her gaze shifted from the cooking pan to me and a smile appeared on her face. "Oh hi, you must be Lydia. I'm Sophia."

"Sophia?" I repeated, trying to see if I remembered any of the boys mentioning her.

"I'm Liam's girlfriend," she added.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm new here," I said, as I sat down at the stool a couple feet away from her.

"It's alright. We are quite private about our relationship," she said. "I'm making scrambled eggs, do you want some?"

"I would love that," I said politely. The good smell filled the whole room making my stomach go crazy.

She handed me a plate filled with scrambled eggs and toast as she sat down on the stool next to me. "So how long have you been living here?" She asked trying to make a conversation.

"I am at my third week now," I answered. "How long have you and Liam been together?"

"Three years. I met him at my senior year in college. I was in a sorority and I lived in the house right next to this."

"That's nice. What do you do now?" I asked.

"I am a pediatrician secretary in Los Angeles now," she answered and took a bite of the breakfast. "But that is nothing compared to what you do though."

My body froze. "You know what we do?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, Liam told me when we had been dating for a while," she told me.


"Yeah, that was what I said too," she laughed. "But how it is? I mean, I only sit behind a counter during the days, I don't have a lot of action in my life."

"It's definitely nerve racking. I am not fully adjusted to it yet, but I'm on my way," I said.

"Have you been shot?" She asked curiously.

I shook my head. "Luckily, not yet," I chuckled.

Liam came in with a sleepy expression on his face only wearing a t-shirt and his boxers.

"Hey babe," he said, giving Sophia a peck on the cheek. He looked at me with a grin and tousled my hair. "Hi Lydia. How was the weekend alone with Harry?"

"Liam!" I whined as I fixed my hair that Liam messed up and heard Sophia laugh. "It was actually very fun. We went to a party on Friday, visited the fair on Saturday and had a stay at home on Sunday."

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