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The ball was getting closer and as Paul said, I had to take them shopping for suits and a gown for myself. To be honest, I was quite excited for the ball, not the "work" part, but going to a huge fancy ball seemed exciting and fun. The men would be in suits and the women would be in beautiful gowns. I had been to prom, but I had a feeling that prom couldn't compare to the ball.

"Shotgun!" I yelled as soon as I saw Louis grabbed the keys for the Range Rover.

"Damn it," Niall muttered sourly.

I typed in the address into the GPS as Louis started to drive.

We went into a huge store that sold suit, bridal and gown dresses all in one. A tall blonde smiling lady in a blazer came towards us. "Hello, how may I help you?"

I glanced back at the boys behind me that looked like they had no clue about anything. I sighed with a smile. "These guys need a suit and I need a gown, but I'm pretty sure they need the help more than I do."

"Great," she smiled and followed us to the suit department. "What kind of event is this, if I may ask?" She kindly asked.

"It's masquerade ball."

"Sounds like fun, we have some masks here too, if you wanna look at those."

"Good, if you could start with them," I said, pointing to Liam, Louis and Niall and realized that Harry looking at some shirts. "I'll look at some of the dresses," I mumbled and walked over to Harry.

It looked like he was in his own world while he browsed through the shirt. Then I saw his brows furrow together as he pulled out a shirt that looked like 50 year old man going through menopause would wear. To sum up; it wasn't pretty.

"Don't you dare," I spoke up behind him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Are you serious?" I said, glaring at the shirt.

He gave me a smirk before putting the shirt back. "I bet you would like it if I dropped the shirt, huh?"

A laugh escaped from my mouth. "Only in your wildest dreams, Styles," I mocked him and followed him to the other guys.

"Whatever you say, Lydia."

While the boys were getting their suits, I tried to look for a dress. Most of the dresses here were more suitable for prom with all the glitter details. Madeline Artson was a known person with a lot of connections and I guessed it would be more classy event. I scanned through the dresses and found a section with simple classy dresses. I picked up a couple of black dresses, since I knew black was a safe color for me.

The first dress I tried was a long, black, silky dress. The minute I tried it on, it clung to all of my curves in a wrong way and it was too loose in chest area. With a sigh, I took it off. It was such a beautiful dress, but it didn't fit me. I tried on a couple more long dressed to find out that they didn't fit me.

Then I spotted the little black dress hidden behind all the dresses. I slipped on the dress and struggled to zip it up. My head peaked out of the dressing room door to see Liam standing there in his suit.

"Psst," I whisper to Liam.

"What is it?" He asked, walking over to me.

"Help me with my zipper," I said, signalizing for him to come in to my dressing room. He walked in and I felt his cold fingers touch my bare back, causing me to jump a little.

"Whops, did I hurt you?" He asked concerned.

"No," I laughed. "Your hands are cold.

"Oh," he chuckled. "They are always cold, I don't know why." He zipped the dress up. "There you go."

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