twenty five

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My neck was aching, limbs were hurting, throat was dry, the excruciating pain throbbing at the back of my head. Every possible body function felt wrong. I was so tired. I had been sleeping on a wooden chair uncomfortably for what seemed like days. The moments my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, I realized that I was in an unfamiliar place all alone, tied up to a wooden chair.

And then it hit me. The early shipment arrival, the guys, me walking in alone and getting beaten down by huge men.

The chains around my wrists and ankles made a huge noise as I tried to get myself loose. It didn't take any long before the lights when on, blinding me slightly and the huge metal door opened. A tall blonde familiar figure appeared and Madeline walked in with a rather not amused look on her face with Cooper right behind her.

"Well, well," Madeline said with her arms crossed over her chest. I met her blue-green eyes, giving me a cold look.

"Cooper, would you look at that. It's our little companion from Vegas. The girl who saved my life," she said in a fake happy voice.

I barely glanced at Cooper who had the same stern look on his face. Instead I kept my eyes on Madeline.

"What do you want from me?" I managed to croak up from my dry throat. It seemed like I had been out for a while.

"You or your gang took something of mine, so I took something of their," she grinned with a sly smile.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, stretching out my sore neck, trying to move into a comfortable position on the hard chair.

"Almost two days. My men managed to knock you out real good," she laughed, resting her hand with her neatly done manicure on her hip.

"It's a shame," she continued. "After you saved me in Vegas, I saw a potential in you. It was too bad you wasted it on joining the group with the little boys."

"Those little boys managed to get the shipment, what the fuck are you talking about?" I spat back. Madeline was stirring up some rage in me.

"Yeah, until you decided to walk to the crime scene half an hour after like a lost puppy. If it weren't for you, the possibility of getting my shipment back with be slim."

The minute those words, I felt a shot of guilt hit me. I may had ruined our chances of getting the shipment, ruined my chances of freeing my sister and live a normal life again. If I had lost my stubborn act and just stayed at home like Louis suggested, I wouldn't have been kidnapped by Madeline and Cooper and we would have the shipment. Everything was my fault.

I stayed silent, biting my bottom lip. Madeline seemed to enjoy my mute response.

"You realize it too?" She asked. "That you fucked up for your whole team?"

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled, trying to get myself unleashed from the chair, the metal chain dug deeply into my skin.

"What are you going to do about it?" She snarled at me. "Your weak body is tied up to this chair until your precious boys come back with the shipment."

I felt rage inside me burn up. Never in my life had I wanted to hit someone so hard as right now.

"This wont work for so long. It will eventually get out. The press, the media, the whole world will find out what your family is doing and it wont end well," I shot back at her.

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