thirty two

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I found myself waiting outside Zayn's huge mansion with a loss of words. I kept running my fingers through my curls as one of his men opened up and followed me in to his office, where he was sitting ready for me. He was dressed in a simple attired, mostly black.

As the man who followed me up left, I sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

"You wanted to talk?" He asked and lit up a cigarette. He offered me one, but I quickly declined, just like the first meeting I had with him. 

"I do," I said, but still had no idea how to start.

"Fire on," he took a drag.

"How long do I have to continue?"

He raised his brow. "I thought we went over this."

"I know, but after all that has happened, we lost it," I said.

"You lost it?" He raised his voice ever so slightly.

"Madeline and Cooper got away with the shipment."

"They what? For fucks sake Lydia, how could to let that happen?" He stomped the cigarette into the ashtray.

"Me?" I raised my voice back at him. "The reason why they got away with is because I got shot and I almost died, hell I even lost a kidney because of it. So don't fucking blame me for losing the shipment!"

His eyes widened as he wasn't expecting my answer. "You got shot?"

"Yes, Niall, Harry and I was running for Madeline and Cooper when one of their men shot Niall in the leg and managed to shoot me as I tried to save Niall. As a result for me getting shot, I lost a lot of blood which caused my kidney to fail. So I'm sorry that I lost the shipment."

"Oh," he said. "I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't," I said annoyed. "I don't even wanna continue."

"Lydia, you can't back out of the deal," he said. "You know that."

"Yes, because losing one kidney is not enough to back out," I rolled my eyes.

"Follow me," he said blankly and stood up. I followed him down the hallways to the living room.

Sky sat on the couch with a large flat screen TV in front of her and a new macbook next to her. Zayn nodded towards one of his men and the next thing I know, he was grabbing Sky around her neck and a gun pointed against her temple. I gasped.

"What the fuck?" Sky gasped for air as she tried to release from his grip.

"Let her go!" I shouted back at Zayn.

"You said that you didn't want continue and the deal was that I killed your sister," he said, arms crossed over his chest, "and you."

"I actually can't believe you," I sighed. "Fine, I'll continue."

The man let Sky go as she tried to breathe normally again. "Lydia, what is wrong?"

All eyes were on me and I had never felt so much smaller. Instead of answering, I left the mansion.

"Lydia!" A voice called after me. I turned around and saw Zayn half running towards me.

"What do you want now?" I groaned.

"Let's go for a walk," he demanded more than asking.

"Why would I go anywhere with you?" I stomped, feeling the anger boil in my blood.

"So we can talk," this time he used a softer tone.

"Fine." If I knew him right, he would stop until I gave in.

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