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The music from the radio was loudly playing through the speakers as I was getting ready for the party. Harry knocked on the door before opening the bathroom door.

"Knocking? That's a new one," I commented.

He was wearing a loose black shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned, showing just enough of the tattoos on his chest, paired with black skinny jeans and a pair of brown boots.

"It's quicker to take a photo," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Why did you come in?"

"Yeah, the boys are in Las Vegas. They won't make it for the party."

"What? I thought they went out for lunch?" I said confused.

"So did I."

"Wow, three single guys in Las Vegas," I laughed. "I bet you are regretting saying no to lunch."

He casually shrugged his shoulder. "Nah, not really."

I fixed the finishing details on my hair and checked myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a pair of denim ripped skinny jeans and a simple black blouse, paired along with accessories.

Turning around to Harry. "What do you think?" I asked him.

He eyed me from head to toe. "Wait," he said. He flicked on the top button on shirt, cause the three buttons under to open up, exposing my bra to him.

"HARRY! What the fuck?" I shrieked, turning around to button up my blouse again.

"Impressive, huh? Louis taught me that trick," he said with a huge smirk on his face.

"You're gross," I muttered as I faced him after buttoning up the blouse.

"Whatever, we better get going," Harry laughed, dragging me out of the bathroom.

The sun was about to set, which made the colors in the sky stand out. The California breeze blew through our hair, causing Harry's hair to get messed up bad I laughed about it while he cursed.

Harry and I walked a few minutes down the neighborhood till we saw a house similar to ours that was filled with teenagers and loud party music blasting through the windows.

"Should I knock?" I asked, looking at Harry, who shrugged his shoulder.

I was about to knock when the door flew up, causing me to jump back in Harry's arm. I noticed the familiar light blue eyes, I had talked to earlier.

"Hey Lydia! I'm so glad you made it," Jayden said with a smile, giving me a big hug.

"Hey Jayden! This is Harry," I said, turning my head to Harry, meeting his eyes. His gaze was hard.

I felt his arms snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Hey," he said coldly.

Jayden obviously noticed the cold answer from Harry. "Well... Come in, the drinks are in the kitchen," he invited us in.

Jayden disappeared in the crowds and I went to the kitchen with Harry right behind me. I turned around, giving him an annoyed look.

"What?" He asked innocently, smiling so his dimples popped into his cheeks.

"What is your problem?" I scoffed. "Jayden didn't do anything to you, it didn't kill anyone to be a little bit nicer!"

He ignored my answer. "Relax," he said casually, getting two red cups and poured liquor into them. He handed me one cup. "Drink," he said, clinking our cups together.

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