thirty three

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... "You fucking whore," he said deeply in a husky tone, looking directly at me.

My heart sank as I couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. The guys behind me looked at each other confused. Harry was absolutely hammered.

"Excuse me?" I asked angry. First Zayn and now Harry.

He staggered ever so slightly. "You heard me," he spat back.

"And what gives you right to call me that?" I got off my stool, ready to deal with him.

"Because you apparently are one." He took a few steps closer to me, so close that I could smell the alcohol reeking from his breath. I leaned my head slightly up to get eye contact with him. The green that I adored in them were almost gone, pitch black and anger filled.

By now Louis stood beside me, obviously ready to stop Harry from whatever he was doing.

"Really? Because the only guy I have been with is my ex-boyfriend of four years and you. How dare you to call me a whore!" I spat back, lying slightly because I couldn't mention Zayn.

"Stop lying to me!" He said so low I was almost sure he found about Zayn and I that night in Seattle.

"Harry, stop accusing Lydia for something she has not done," Louis said calmly.

"And what do you know?" Harry raised his brow at him. "For all that I know, you two might have been fucking around my back."

My mouth fell open as I felt the anger burn inside me. "Stop it now!" By now Louis was shouting at him.

"Louis, please, you are making it way to obvious now," Harry chuckled.

"Harry, what the fuck has gotten into you?!" I screamed, but only making him laugh louder. I wanted to go and push him, but Louis' arm stopped me.

"What a great liar you are. You deserve an applause for that," he said and started clapping.

My eyes widened. "Can you please explain what you are talking about?" I asked. My mind was racing through the possibilities of him finding out about Zayn.

"Really? Are you going to play the victim when I knew what you were doing?" His voice was so calm it almost made me scared.

Had he figured this all out? Was my cover blown? Was I going to die now?

I straightened my posture and cleared my throat. "Tell me then," I tried to say confidently, but my heart was beating fast in my chest.

"Looks like you had a fun time today," he said and all eyes went to me.

At that moment, my heart dropped to my stomach. "W-what do you mean?"

"You said you were going to hang out with Lily, but I see you hanging downtown with a guy, walking into an apartment and walking out in a hurry half an hour later," he looked at me in disgust.

I mentally relaxed a bit, when he said a guy and not Zayn. "You were following me?"

"No, I wasn't, but clearly I should. How many times have you lied to me when you were in reality fucking another guy? You whore," he said.

Louis stepped between us and pushed Harry a few feet back. "That's enough!"

"You know what?" I spoke up, my voice shaken. "I can't believe after everything we have been through you would just assume things like that. Lily had set me up with a guy she knows -- before we got together -- and I took him to my apartment to tell him that I couldn't and we just talked," I lied, but the tears in my eyes were real.

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