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The game of spin the bottle ended and people were back to mingling around in the house. I was sitting in the couch upstairs with Lily and Jayden.

"Are you going to tell me what happened in the closet or not?" Lily asked Jayden and I as she sat on the floor facing us.

I looked over at Jayden, who was already looking at me. "That is something between Jayden and I," I giggled and we both smiled.

"Please tell me!" She fake cried with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Jayden and I exchanged some looks. "Do you really wanna know?" He asked Lily.

Her eyes widened in excitement along with her smile. I had not idea how many drinks she had consumed, but I had a thought that it was a few more than me. "Yes please tell me," she shrieked.

He leaned down to her with a mischievous grin on his face. "Do you really wanna know?" He assured.

She quickly nodded with a big smile.

"The truth is," he started off, making it look like he was building it up to something exciting. "Nothing happened."

The smile on her face faded as Jayden and I laughed and gave each other a high five.

"What the fuck? You all got me excited for nothing. I'm so done," she sighed and stood up. "I'm getting refills, do you want any?"

Both of us nodded and she disappeared down the stairs.

Jayden turned around to me. "Well, that was fun," he chuckled.

"Yes, it was. How many do you think we managed to fool?"

"Everyone, if I am going to be honest," he said proudly.

"Yeah, we are great actors though. I might swing by Los Angeles tomorrow and see if there are any open auditions," I joked.

"So where is your boyfriend?" He asked.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry, my what?"

"The guy you came with earlier, the one who kissed you," he cooed and made kissing noises.

"Hey, he is not my boyfriend. I wouldn't have pretended to fool around with you in the closet if not," I said, rolling my eyes and threw a couch pillow at him.

"Relax, I know," he chuckled. "I'm just messing with you."

Lily came back with our drinks and I sat with them and chatted with them for the rest of the night. After a few hours the house started to slowly empty itself for people. It was getting close to 2 AM, when I decided to finally look for Harry. A part of thought that he had headed home without me, but another part of me wanted to walk home with him so I hope he was still around. I checked all the bedrooms upstairs, finding couples that had forgotten to lock the doors before they started to fool around with each other, but unfortunately no Harry.

I continued to search for him, in all rooms in the house and the balcony with no luck. Lastly, I went to the backyard. I noticed the curly haired guy sitting on the patio furniture, playing on the phone with a passed out blonde girl on his lap.

"Harry?" I asked.

He looked up from his phone, squinting his eyes at me. "Oh, hi Lydia," he said.

"Whose phone is that?" I asked. "I mean, I still have yours," I said, pointing to my chest.

"Amber or Christina's," he said, shaking his head in confusion. "I don't know. I know that it belongs to her, she had some fun games on her phone and I was allowed to play some."

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