twenty one

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The time I woke up again, three hours later, I had four missed calls and a message from Harry.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath. I had assured that my ringtone was on the highest so I wouldn't miss it when he called me. I unlocked my phone and checked the message.

Harry: Unexpected guests. Bring all of the stuff Paul sent us!

I looked at the time it was sent, it was sent ten minutes ago. I literally jumped off the bed and put on the closest clothing item I found and ran out of the hotel room.

When I parked outside the warehouse, I grabbed the bag in my trunk and sprinted to the basement where I left Harry earlier.

All the scenarios I had in my head made me nervous to open the door into the room. When I kicked the door open, Harry was tied up to the chair where the previously guy sat.

"Oh my god, Harry! What happened?" I screamed. I threw the bag away and ran over to tie him up.

"Lydia, don't," he weakly said.

Before I even got to comprehend what he said, I turned around and faced a guy twice my size. His hand slapped my across my cheek. I felt the imprint of his hand burning on my cheek as I quickly shook it aside I used all my strength to kick him away from me. He backed away a couple feet before he jumped towards me again. I thought about what Coach Porter had thought me. I grabbed his hand, twisted it and threw his body over me and he landed with loud thud.

I didn't even care about the knocked out guy on the ground as I ran over to Harry. Fishing up a knife I had kept hidden in my boot, I sliced the ropes open, freeing him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. My thumb carefully stroked over the purple area in his cheek.

"I've been better," he laughed at his failed attempt of a joke.

"How? I mean, what happened?" His weak body fell upon mine as I carried him out to the car, grabbing the bag with me.

Once we sat down in the car, he started to speak up. "His people had traced his phone to find our location. They thought I was working with Cooper and Madeline and tried to force information out of me."

I stared at him in shock without a word to say.

"But it turned out they knew less than us," he breathed out.

I nodded along as I started the car and drove back to the hotel.

"Are you hurt?" I asked, laying him down on the bed.

"No," he said. As he tried to move his body a groan escaped from lips. "Yeah."


Harry tried to move his upper chest. His brows furrowed in pain and he bit his plump pink lips.

"Wait," I said. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a towel and ice cubes from the freezer and packed them in. I carefully unbuttoned his shirt and rested the ice towel on his chest. He winched the moment I put it there.

"I'm sorry, does it hurt?" I asked concerned.

"No, it's cold," he chuckled.

"I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing. I saw my P.E teacher do it once," I laughed.

"Let's hope it works."

"You're gonna get a bruise," I said, my thumb gracefully gliding across his cheek.

"So are you," he said, mimicking my gesture. I felt my cheeks heat up by his touch.

"I'm sorry I left you today."

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