thirty six

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"Fuck," I mumbled low to myself and picked up the keys I just dropped.

"Lydia, is that you?" The man I once called my father asked.

I sighed deeply, looking up to him. His years of absence and the year of letting my anger built up, it was surreal. "The one and only," I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I just needed to catch up. It's been so long," he said.

Harry tugged on the sleeve of my arms. "Be careful, he is involved with this. He was a former accountant for Paul until something shady happened," he whispered into my ears.

I pushed the tote bag up to his chest. "Babe, will you sort the groceries out for me while I speak to my father? And remember sort them out like we talked about," I lied, but Harry understood that I meant that he would hide the shipment inside for me.

"Alright," he nodded, kissing my cheek, but his eyes told me that I should be careful.

The moment Harry stepped into the apartment and I closed the door, I turned to my father.

"Catch up to what? You were the one who left!" I said in pure disgust.

He was silent for a second. "You shouldn't be hanging around with him. He is troubled."

"Oh please!" I laughed, rolling my eyes. "You don't get to play daddy now. You're a little too late for that."

"Lydia, I am serious. You don't know half of the stuff he does," he said, his voice sounding stern.

"Like what? Dealing with illegal shipments, killing people for them? Guess what, dad? I do that too," I said.

His face fell, shocked written over his entire face like it was the last thing he expected to hear. "You what?" He almost stuttered.

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"No, Lydia. How did this happen? I thought you were going to college or university. You were the one aiming high," he asked despairingly.

"After you left, money got a little tight, as it does when half of the income disappears overnight -- college isn't the first priority."

"Please," he said, already having it with me.

"We had to use some of the college savings to pay for the mortgage. Sky got to go to college until she flunked every exam and partied every weekend," I sighed. I was trying to give him every piece of guilt, he deserved it.

He was about to answer, but was interrupted of the door opening and Harry stood there watching us. "We should probably get going if we want to catch the other guys," he lied so easily.

I nodded, ready to get away.

"Lydia, wait," my father said and I could feel Harry's grip on my arm tightened.

"I have to go," I said blankly.

"Please," he begged. "Have dinner with me so we could talk. That's all I'm asking for."

And then I looked into Harry's deep green eyes, asking for advise. He shook his head every so slightly. I sighed. "Fine, I'll go. Harry, I'll meet you later."

Harry didn't seem to pleased with my decision, but decided to let it go since it wouldn't matter anyway.

I silently followed my father into his expensive car and drove out to a restaurant close by. He found a table for us and we sat down. I focused more on the menu than him. After we both had ordered, all that was left was the unsettling silence while waiting for the food.

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