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I had lied to the guys that I was going out shopping with Lily today, but I couldn't tell them the truth either. Zayn was taking me dress shopping today to find a dress for the wedding on Saturday. A part of me was nervous to spend so much alone time with him, since I had no idea of what he was capable of. He had been nice to me the last times I had met him, like at the ball and the months with training with him had been quite fun.

I checked myself on the front camera on my phone before heading out. I quickly said my goodbyes to Niall sitting on the kitchen counter eating a huge sandwich he was proud of making himself. Zayn had told me to wait outside the university instead of picking me up at my place in case any of the other guys would notice.

I stood in the sea of students in front of campus, when a familiar black SUV pulled up in front of me. The windows rolled down and I saw Zayn driving, wearing a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses.

"Get in loser. We're going shopping."

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Did you just quote Mean Girls?" I laughed as I sat in the car.

"It was playing on the TV yesterday," he chuckled.

On the drive to the mall, Zayn updated me on how Sky was. Judging from what Zayn told me, I had a feeling that he wasn't so fond of her, which I understood. Sky's personality was a quite handful. Other than that Sky had a lot of things to do at the building, but they were carefully watching her as she tried to escape once a week. Typical.

Zayn parked in the parking area at the mall. And as I got out of car, I realized that it had been a while since I had been there.

"Is there anything special you want me to get?" I asked as we walked around in the mall.

A cheeky grin appeared on his face. "I have a few things on my list."

"Seriously, you boys need to get laid as soon as possible," I scoffed and pushed him aside.

"So I guess Harry been trying to get some, hasn't he?" He asked with a smirk.

I ignored him and went into the clothing store, hearing him closely following me. I went to the dress section and started to look through clothing items. From my side sight, I could see that Zayn was already had picked up a handful of dresses for me. I picked up a lavender colored dress and went into the changing rooms.

"What are appropriate for weddings? I have never been to one?" I asked.

Zayn sat in the little puff chair in the middle of changing rooms. "A dress, I'm not really sure either."

"You are such a good help," I said, faking a nice tone.

"Don't worry, just don't outshine the bride and I'll think you'll be alright," he chuckled.

I put on one of the dresses Zayn told me to try. A dark green dress that somehow managed to cover every inch of my body, making me look like a green nun. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous how I looked.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

I pulled the curtains away, revealing the dress. A smile appeared on his face, he bit his lips trying not to laugh at me.

"Your taste sucks, I'm pretty sure I could have handled dress shopping alone."

"Yeah, but I have to get stuff myself and judging from what I chose, I'm pretty sure I need your help," he said pointing to the hideous dress.

"Okay, then," I said, closing of the curtains once again.

I had a feeling Zayn hated me, by all the dresses he wanted he to try. Every single dress covered every inch of my body and it didn't make a feel sexy or beautiful at all. And Zayn had a laugh every time I showed him the dresses, which caused me to give him the finger that he replied with a kissy face. Cute, but annoying.

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