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There was a distant sound of jazz music coming from inside as we stood in line to come in. We said the names Paul had given us and got in. The scenario was just as I had imagined, but more beautiful if that was possible.

A huge chandelier was the first thing you saw as you walked down the stairs to the ball. There were loads of men in suits and women in beautiful gowns. The room was beautiful decorated with white roses and gold details. The jazz music was perfectly fitting for the occasion as I walked down the stairs, hand in hand with Liam.

We sat down at a table in the corner so we could discuss about what we were going to do. Louis went over his plan once again to the guys, but he wasn't going to do it now since the ball had just begun. Meanwhile, we were going to enjoy it.

I excused myself from the guys and walked out to the balcony to escape all the people. My worries filled my head, I kept thinking over the ways it could go wrong. A bad habit of mine.

I fished up my phone that I kept in my bra and searched for Zayn's number that he saved in my phone as "Best Bro".

Dialing his number, he picked up after a couple of seconds. "Hey Carter!" He said loudly, he was not in a quiet place.

"Zayn..." I said. I had no idea why I called him, I just wanted to have someone to talk to.

"Is everything okay, Lydia?" He asked with a slightly concern in his voice and he had moved to a quieter place.

"Yeah, I guess..." I sighed. "I'm just a little bit nervous."

"Where are you?"

"Madeline Artson's masquerade ball," I answered.

There was a silence for some seconds.

"Zayn?" I said.

Suddenly the line went off. With a frown, I put my phone back in my bra. I leant my back against the cool stone wall as I exhaled a deep breath. A unfamiliar guy with a mask that covered his face came to me, handing me a glass of champagne.

Without any questions, I politely took it.

"Lydia, you look good tonight," the guy said.

My brows furrowed in confusion. How did he know my name? It wasn't until I looked at the guy and recognized the sharp jawline. "Zayn?"

A smirk appeared on his face as he took off his mask, revealing his gorgeous face.

"Zayn?! What if the guys see you?" I said panicked, looking around to see if any of the boys where close by.

"Relax love," he said calmly as he drank the champagne and put on his mask again. "I'm not stupid, I know what to do."

"What are you doing here?"

"The same reason as you, I need information too," he said, looking at the view.

"How is Sky?" I asked, changing the topic. Sky was the reason why I was in this mess. Somehow I couldn't be mad at my only sister.

"She's alright. She talks a lot, though," he chuckled.

Zayn held out his hand, waiting for me to grab it. "C'mon, let's dance."

I looked at him with a confused look, but took his hand with a smile. He followed me out on to the dance floor. His hand went to my waist and his other hand held my hand and we both start slowly to move along with the slow jazz music.

Zayn leaned his down next to mine, ready to whisper something. "Tell me why Harry is looking at us looking like he is ready to kill me?"

We switched sides, now I was the one facing Harry. I met his eyes and he immediately turned away. "I have no idea," I shrugged.

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