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My eyes slowly opened as I felt a warmth burning feeling on my face. The sun was shining through the window since I forgot to close the curtains before going to bed last night. My head was pounding and I felt weak after last night's event as I stood up and closed the curtains.

I checked my phone that was lying on my nightstand to see how much the clock was. It was almost 3 in the afternoon, but it wasn't the time that caught my attention. I had 3 new messages and 6 missed calls from "Best Bro". That was Zayn. I wondered what he wanted.

I checked the messages.

"Lydia, I have exciting news ! Well, probably exciting for you since you're a girl ! :D"

"Pick up your phone !!"

"Are you dead or something ? Pick up your phone !"

Exciting news, what could that be?

I turned around and saw Harry sleeping peacefully right next to me. I quietly excited the room and walked downstairs into the laundry room so Harry couldn't hear me. Judging from the quiet house, I guessed that the other boys where still in Las Vegas.

I sat down and leaned my back to the laundry machine. I pressed call on Zayn's number. The rings were loud enough to make my head want to explode.

After a couple rings, he answered. "Lydia! You finally answered," he said.

I flinched at the sound making my hangover worse. "Hi, what is the exciting news?" I groaned.

"Wow, what happened to you?"

"I was at a party last night and I am quite hungover right now."

"Ah, I understand," he chuckled. "You guys live in the frat neighborhood."

"Zayn, tell me," I said annoyed.

"Do you have plans next weekend?" He asked.

"Not that I know of... Why?"

"Well, my cousin is getting married and my whole family thinks that I am happily studying my ass of in Fresno with a girlfriend, so they assumed that I was going to bring her to the wedding. I need you to go with me."

"Wait. Why can't you just tell your family that you broke up with your girlfriend?"

"And go to the wedding with no date? Oh please, Lydia, I'm not doing that," he snorted.

"Why can't you bring Sky?"

"A weekend with your blabber mouthed sister? Hell no, besides I like you better."

"But I don't have anything to wear," I said, making excuses.

"I'll take you shopping later this week," he said.

"Fine, text me the details later."

"Will do," he said slightly excited. "Goodbye Lydia."


I let out a deep sigh. I was going to a wedding with Zayn. It was too weird for me to think about it. About a few months ago, I have no idea of who he was and now I was going to a wedding with him.

The headaches were getting worse and I headed upstairs to the bedroom again. Harry hadn't moved an inch and was still peacefully sleeping like an angel. I laid down and rested my head on the soft pillow as I felt my eyelids getting droopy.

"Where were you?" Harry asked with a raspy morning voice. He wasn't moving and his eyes were still shut.

"Bathroom," I lied as I felt I was falling back asleep.

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