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Somebody was trying to kill Madeline, or poison her in someway and I was the only one who noticed. She was already a few feet ahead of me when I had gathered my thoughts together.

"Wait! Madeline!" I shouted a little too loud. The people around in the bar gave me weird looks, including Madeline.

"What is it?" She answered rather annoyed.

"I need to talk to you. In private," I said, pulling her to a less crowded hallway.

"Don't touch me!" She said, yanking her arm out of my grip. "What are you doing? I can call my men and have you kicked out of this place!"

"Shut up for one second!" I snapped at her, literally one second away from hitting some sense into her.

She seemed surprised at my answer, but kept quiet.

"I think I saw a guy put something in your drink," I started.

Madeline looked at me with a shocked expression and examined the glass in her hand. "For real?"

"For real."

She didn't say another word as she picked up her phone and called someone. After a few rings, she spoke up.

"Cooper, meet me on the back side. Something happened and bring our men," was all she said and hung up.

"You," she said, pointing her finger up at my chest. "Come with me."

I quickly nodded and obeyed her words as I followed her outside.

We stood in silence for a few minutes when I saw the same guy earlier by the table that Harry told me was Cooper, behind him was four other guys in suits and sunglasses.

"What happened?" Cooper asked.

"Somebody apparently tried to poison me," Madeline said, holding up her glass.

"Are you sure?" He said doubtful.

"Yeah, she saw a guy pour something into my drink," she said hysterically, pointing to me. I just stood there not knowing what to do. "Cooper, what if they are after... the shipment?" This time she lowered her voice and tried to talk in code so I couldn't understand a thing. But the funny thing was that I understood everything.

"Relax, we will get our guys to find him and press out information about him," he exhaled a deep breath. "Now, do you remember what he looked like?" He looked at me directly.

I felt so small at the moment. Even though, they weren't threatening me, I still was frightened.

I nodded before I answered. "Um, he was average height, light brown hair, brown eyes and he wore a purple bow tie."

Cooper whispered something to the two huge guys behind him and right afterwards they went back inside the building. He exchanged some looks with Madeline before turning to me again.  "Thank you for your help. Now, I understand you if you are bit confused, this is probably something that doesn't happen in your average life," he chuckled and Madeline joined him. "I would really appreciate it you didn't tell anybody, because then you would get into trouble and you don't want that, do you?"

I could feel a big lump in my throat starting to develop. His stern eyes pierced right through me. My mouth was dry and I couldn't make out one single word. Instead I just nodded.

"Great. Hopefully, we will not see each other again under these circumstances," he said. After that both of them disappeared back inside.

I quickly dialed Harry's number.

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