twenty two

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After mine and Harry's little meeting with Paul where we updated on what happened in Vegas, I decided to stay in alone while the boys went out for lunch.

I was in the kitchen, making myself an easy lunch with the TV in the background playing The Big Bang Theory when my phone called. It was a name I hadn't read in a long time, it was my cousin Christina.

"Hello? Christina?" I asked.

"Lydia, thank god, somebody finally answered!" I heard her relieved voice from the other end.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Lydia, I have to ask you to do me a favor," she started off, making me ever so slightly nervous. "I'm going to a business trip for a few days and normally they would place these trip while my husband is home so he could watch our baby, but he is currently stationed outside and I can't bring the baby to my trip since nobody can watch him while I am at the meetings. Do I even need to continue?"

I knew what she wanted me to do. "Can't somebody else watch him?"

"What do you think I have been trying to do all day? I have been calling family and friends since 7 AM and without any luck," she said.

I remained silent for a bit. I knew that I had the opportunity to watch him for a few days, but the shipment was only days away from arriving and it was too risky.

"I don't know, Chrissy. I am pretty busy myself," I lied.

"Lydia, please I am begging you. I would have never called if not. Normally, I would skip meetings, but this is getting me an promotion and we really need the money."

I sighed, mostly because I didn't know what to say.

"Please? I promise you, he is such a nice baby and he hasn't seen you in months," she pleaded.

"Alright, I'll do it," I said, biting my lips and regretting the words as soon as they left my mouth. The guys would kill me.

"Really? Would you do that?" I could hear the relieved tone in her voice. "I'll promise I'll pay you back somehow."

"Don't even think about it, Chrissy," I smiled.

I told her the new address, adding a lie where I told her that I was staying at a friends house while my apartment was being renovated.

I guess Christina wasn't lying when she said she would be there as fast as she could. After briefly half an hour, the doorbell rang and she was there with two big bags and her baby in her hand.

"Lydia! You look great, have you been working out?" She exclaimed happily.

"Well, I have been doing yoga," I said. And been working with illegal gang work, I mentally added as I took her baby boy, Peter. "Hello," I said to him. His big brown eyes stared back at me while he grinned hugely showing his two first teeth.

"Nice place you got here, though," Christina said after she put down her stuff and looked around. "Who are you living with?"

"Just four of my guy friends, it's not permanently," I said, not really focusing on her. Peter was playing with my necklace, tugging on it slightly.

"Sounds lovely! I would actually really love to stay and catch up with you, but I have to finish my speech and pack my stuff. I am so sorry-"

"Christina, I understand," I calmed her down. I could see it in her eyes that she was stressed and I didn't blame her. She was a prime example of a superwoman. She was a well educated young business woman with child that was barely a year old and a husband stationed outside in Afghanistan.

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