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My cheeks were burning at this point. Louis and Niall like they were going to burst out in laughter anytime soon while Sophia, Liam and Harry curiously looked at me, waiting for me to answer.

"I burned myself with the curling iron," I tried to lie gracefully.

"Sure," the group said in unison.

"Okay, why is the spotlight on me right now?" I protested. "Sophia, what did you make for dinner?" I asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Lasagna, but that's not what we were talking about now," she said, her lips pulled into a half smile.

"I am not discussing this with any you!"

"C'mon Lydia. You are a part of the gang now, we are very blunt towards each other," Niall said hopefully.

"I'm not!" I protested once again and grabbed my suitcase with all strength and sprinted towards my room.

I sat down in my bed and slowly packed out until I heard Niall sing that the dinner was done till I went back downstairs and joined them at the dinner table, next to Harry.

The people at the table looked hopefully at me with cheeky grins on their faces. I quietly took a piece of lasagna like nothing had happened. The noise of knives and forks chirred on the plates.

Niall was the first one to speak up. "Lydia, you gotta tell us sometime."

I dropped my fork on the plate with a loud bang and firmed my grip on the knife in my other hand. "Niall, I swear to fucking God if you don't shut up, I will cut-"

"For Gods sake, can we all just drop it!" Harry shouted annoyed.

The rest of table went dead silent and continued eating with out a word. I could see how tense his body was and I didn't dare to make eye contact with him. I continued to eat in silence with Liam carefully broke the silence by asking his girlfriend how everything was going at work while Louis and Niall looked at each other like they were going to burst into a huge laugh any second.

After dinner, Harry stormed up to his room, leaving the rest of us confused.

I exchanged some looks with the rest of the group before I turned to Niall. "Is everything alright with him?"

He casually shrugged his shoulders. "He seemed fine today before you came back."

I raised my brow. "Are you implying that it's my fault?"

He let out a little snort. "No, I just stated the truth," he said, sticking out his tongue at me.

"Fuck you, Niall!"

"Hey!" He said, trying to act like the words I just said had hurt him.

"Niall could you please just shut up," this time it was Louis who had showed up.

"Louis, why are you taking her side? I thought we were mates," he whined.

I stood there, slightly annoyed at the blonde guy with my arms folded over my chest. "I didn't do anything," I muttered.

"I'm not taking anyone's side. Relax," Louis said. "Besides, Harry is always cranky. It's not Lydia or anybody's fault."

Niall's brows furrowed and he gave Louis a look that looked like he didn't like what Louis just said. I mimicked Niall and stuck out my tongue at him and he replied by giving me the finger.

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