twenty six

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Those four familiar face were finally in front of me. I met Harry's comforting green eyes again, making me what to rip out of the big mans tight grip on my arms and run in for a hug. I spotted the big silver briefcase in Louis arms. My mind was spinning. Were they actually going to give the shipment away for me? I needed it, so I could free my sister and get out of this mess. I know this sounded so selfish, but I was put into this against my will and I wanted to do everything in my power to get out. I was so sick of the whole situation.

My eyes met Harry and I tried to tell him not to do whatever they had planned. I had no idea what they were planning. The gut feeling in my stomach was telling me that this is could go so wrong.

"So, are we ready to do our trade?" Madeline snickered.

"Give us Lydia first," Harry said firm.

The grip around my arms got stronger by the mention of my name, I whimpered silently out in pain.

"Open up the briefcase," Cooper spoke up.

My heart was beating so hard in my chest I thought my ribcage was going to break. I hadn't know the guys for so long, who knew what they could have done? If this was some sort of a trick, I had a feeling it wouldn't end well.

"Why? Don't you trust us?" Louis raised his brow at Cooper and Madeline.

"Just open the fucking briefcase!" Madeline growled annoyed.

Louis just chuckled, shaking his head slightly. He pretended to act like he struggled to open the briefcase, using more time than necessary. Madeline scoffed annoyed multiple times while I laughed quietly at his act. I flashed Harry a half smile, that he returned with a soft comforting smile. His forest green eyes told me that maybe this was going to be okay after all.

"Do we have all day?" Madeline spoke up.

"Relax, love. It would be a shame if I managed to open the briefcase and accidentally lost it in the ground, watching the thousands of tiny diamonds scatter out," Louis said.

Madeline scoffed once again and rolled her eyes heavily at him for his stupid behavior.

Louis made a drum roll sound and opened up the briefcase. I felt my eyes widen and mouth agape when I saw what it contained. Thousands of diamonds in various sizes shined beautifully under the city lights. I wanted to dip my hands into it. It was crazy to think that it was worth about 50 million dollars.

"What is hard for you to wait, princess?" Louis mocked her.

Madeline stood there with her arms crossed and a stone cold gaze like Cooper.

"Give it to us now," she demanded.

"As we said -- Lydia first," Louis repeated Harry's words.

Madeline rolled her eyes and exchanged looks with Cooper. Cooper nodded and pulled out a gun from his pocket. All four guys reacted immediately by pulling out their own gun. Cooper raised his gun and cocked it up against my head. The cold metal pressed hard against my temple. My mouth was dry, I was in too much shock to even to get a reaction.

"Give us the briefcase and there will be no blood this time," Cooper said.

Panic flushed through Harry's eyes as his grip on his gun tightened. My breathing shook as I felt a few tears run down my cheek. The guys looked at each other.

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