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The minute I agreed to the deal. A smile started to grow on Zayn's face. "Delightful, shall we discuss the rules?"

Without breaking eye contact, I sat down on my earlier seat. He pulled out a sheet of paper, read through it quickly before looking up at me again. "Don't think you'll leave empty handed, darling. You will be getting 20 percent of the profit."

"And what? You'll get the 80 percent?" I said offended.

"Of course."

"Bullshit, I'll be doing the dirty work. I deserve at least 50 percent."

He laughed. "25."





"50," I raised my voice.

"Fine," he gave a sly smile. "You are not like the others and I think I like you already, Lydia."

There was something about him saying my name that made me weak to knees. Rolling my eyes at him, I quickly brushed the thoughts away.

"I'm guessing you have no experience in this, or what?" He asked.

"It used to be my daily job, until I quit and started to work as a waitress," I said casually, looking down on my finger nails. "Of course, I don't have experience, you dumbass!"

My sarcastic comments had no effects on him and he quickly brushed it off before continuing. "Judging from what you did to my guy I know you know a little bit," he laughed nodding to the guy behind him. The guy didn't seem to like it that Zayn mentioned the incident. He looked at me with a deadly stare.

"I took a self defense class when I moved out alone downtown," I shrugged. My mother forced to take the class, because she was worried about her youngest daughter. I didn't mind, I found it helpful and a little bit fun.

"That works," he said, then mumbling something I couldn't hear and flipped through the papers in front of him. "Do you know how to use a gun?"

"No." The thought of holding an actual gun scared the crap out of me.

"I guess we'll start here," he said, looking through the papers once again. "Here's the deal. We start training you on Monday. You get tomorrow morning to pack your belongings, call your job and tell them that you aren't coming anymore. We'll deal with your apartment lease."

I shook my head confused. "Where am I going to live?"

"Here," he answered like I had asked the dumbest question in the world. "And when you are ready, I'll send you off to live with Paul's boys."

I didn't like the fact that he was going to send me away like I was a little doll. I had a normal life that I had to give up. 

"Do you know Paul and his boys?" I asked. I mentally prayed that Paul and his guys weren't some creepy old men who wore leather jackets, had tattoos of their mums and drank beer all the time. The thought of living in a house with other guys I were unfamiliar with scared me. I had spent most of my recent times alone and I wanted it to keep it that way.

"Used to," he corrected me. "I found out that I was better at doing this shit by myself."

"Great," I muttered. "Tell me about them then..."

"Handsome looking young men," he said. "Not as handsome as me, but you know the drill."

I quickly nodded at his stupid description.

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