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2 months later


It was now the end of August. Oddly enough, not much had happened since I had left everything. Sky eventually came back and our relationship grew stronger than it had than the 20 years I had known her. She cut her act together when I told her that I had gotten shot and almost died. My mother seemed to question it slightly. My sadness I tried to hide, the relationship between my sister and I that showed up out of the blue. It hurt me that I couldn't tell her everything. There were times when it almost slipped, I craved to tell her, but somethings needed to be kept a secret. It was all for her own sake. She would blame herself for all of it. I couldn't handle that.

I never heard from Zayn again, until last week when an anonymous envelope was addressed to me. He did everything he promised. In the envelope, there was a check from Mr Randy, it was the 50 percent. The check had been lying on my desk for the past week, almost like it was taunting me. It was so much money that it felt unreal.

I started working with college applications. If the money was going to be spent on something it would be to pay for the college tuition.

Even though it was all over, it still felt like it was haunting me someway. It didn't change the fact that I saw people get murdered and the fact that it almost killed myself. I had scars in my body that would forever remind me of what I had been apart of and I hated every bit of it. Those sleepless nights would let my mind wander over the past.

I would be lying if I said that my mind never wandered over Harry. He occurred everyday. I missed everything about him. It was about having him around me, he made it all better.

I tried to move on for the sake of the both of us. A relationship built on lies was doomed to crumble down into piece sooner or later and I wanted to save Harry for all that trouble. I had gone through one heartbreak and I would save myself for a second one if possible. Two months has passed, what is the possibility that he is still waiting for me?


"Get up lazy ass!" Sky voice echoed through the room and I felt my duvet being ripped off my body.

"Skylar!" I groaned into my pillow, my arms searching for the duvet to pull over my body again.

"Enough of these all nighters to do. It's just past midday, let's go and eat lunch out," she sang happily around my room.

I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at her. Too bad her reflexes caught up and she caught it to throw back at me again.

"I'm not hungry," I groaned into my pillow.

"Really?" I looked up at my sister, who was standing in front of my bed and looking down on me with a disbelieved look. "Are you really sure that you don't want a fresh cinnamon bun out of the oven with a latte from Benson's Cafe while we look at the guys passing us?"

I could feel my mouth water up with saliva by the mention of the cinnamon buns, which I hadn't had since before the day Zayn took me. A chance to relive some of the memories before all the bad stuff happened.

"I- I mean we could always take a quick trip downtown-"

"Great!" She shrieked with excitement, cutting me off mid-sentence. "I'll be watching some TV downstairs while you get ready."

After Sky exited my bedroom, I dragged my body off the bed and to the bathroom where I almost got shocked with my mirror reflection. I thought when it was all over, I would be normal again. I would get to live my life like I used to, gain back the weight, get enough sleep so I wouldn't look like a walking corpse. Mentally, it was slowly killing me inside, sure but slowly.

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